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File: Android Dreams Of Jiraikei Girl, V1.png -(767132 B, 760x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
767132 No.5795   [Reply]

Chapter 1 was translated by Unhinged translations around eleven months ago and then nothing more. I have volume one and so far have turned chapter two into something that can hopefully be worked with.

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.5797  

Added onto the previous link.
Also, if you need a proofreader for this, I'll be happy to do it. My average error rate is 1/ ~62000 (I write fiction novels sometimes, GL, of course)

>> No.5798  

Still using the same link, the PSD file now has chapter four added to it.

>> No.5801  

Again using the original download link, more chapters and the closing pages have been added to the PSD file. These added chapters and pages conclude volume one.
Will anybody be willing/ able to translate it? 🥺

>> No.5806  

Any raws available for me to look at?

>> No.5807  

The PSD file has all of the volume one content, starting from the beginning of chapter two or do you need image files?

File: mclk_20.png -(704124 B, 2220x3106) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
704124 No.5754   [Reply]
>> No.5804  
File: My Cute Little Kitten Ch20.txt -(6463 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.5805  

I'll make some time to edit this

File: mclk_19.png -(1217287 B, 2220x3106) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1217287 No.5753   [Reply]
2 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.5772  

Will get started on this

>> No.5790  


Not gonna lie, the stuff about the kyuu ranks was kinda confusing. The ranks start at 6 or 10, advance to 1, then advance back to 10?

>> No.5791  


Yup. Funky system. But standard in Japanese martial arts/cultural arts.

>> No.5799  


flag: Rena saying "thanks for the meal" sounds odd given that she made it, though reading up on 'itadakimasu' I guess it makes sense for Japanese culture.

error: "...so doing fine" -> "...so I'm doing fine". Unless the idea is deliberately that she's speaking sloppily.

flag: I would say "and it looks like...", but I guess dropping 'it' works for casual speaking.

flag: I wouuld say "anyway", not "anyways", but this might be my dialect.

error: "whats" -> "what's"

>> No.5800  


Made all the corrections! Thanks for catching them!

File: nsfw.jpg -(58315 B, 412x293) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
58315 No.140   [Reply]

Any question related to this board can be discussed here. In general the banned materials are child porn, hetero sex, futanari, guro, scat. When unsure, you can ask here first before making a project thread.

58 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.5686  

timeout test

>> No.5785  

I've been trying to upload some raws and always get this message. What are the text limits?

>> No.5786  
File: I Promised to Marry My Childhood Friend 10 Years Ago 00.png -(844583 B, 762x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Twenty-four page manga with five chapters.

>> No.5793  


I translated this over on the safe board.

>> No.5794  


I'm not entirely sure, but generally the subject line seems the most fussy. Try a shorter subject line and see if that helps

File: Captura de pantalla 2024-05-28 184649.png -(497642 B, 1198x710) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
497642 No.5787   [Reply]

Hi, reading Hana ni Arashi i found that this scans is working on Rezu Fuuzoku Antholog. Is this true? If it is, where can i find it?

>> No.5792  

Look on the safe board. I translated a bunch of it.

No.5788   [Reply]

I don't know why the link didn't get added :(

>> No.5789  


File: NTR_026.jpg -(4215133 B, 4535x6307) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
4215133 No.5779   [Reply]

Futanari NTR doujin.

>> No.5784  

I've already done some basic CLRD and am planning to TS once a TL is available. If there are any of these that someone wants to work on, please just comment and I can add my files.

File: 001p.png -(2093415 B, 4441x6213) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2093415 No.5777   [Reply]

Another foxgirl futa doujin. This one's more intense than the last. Nice part: cleaning provided.

>> No.5778  


>> No.5783  

I've already finished CLRD this one, and am planning to TS if/when there's a TL.

File: foxgirl futa.jpg -(986050 B, 2508x3541) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
986050 No.5776   [Reply]

Foxgirl futa doujin.

>> No.5782  

I've already done some basic CLRD and am planning to TS once a TL is available.

File: MagiRevo futa doujin.jpg -(1749552 B, 1532x2118) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1749552 No.5775   [Reply]

MagiRevo futa doujin. Not sure if futa content is okay here. If not, or if no one wants to TL, feel free to delete it.

>> No.5781  

Same here, I've already done some basic CLRD and am planning to TS once a TL is available.

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