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File: hanabira.jpg -(559333 B, 851x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
559333 No.1109   [Reply]

Newely scanned: http://www.mediafire.com/?9yy3pzvb7fsb10e

Still needs editing though (and, hopefully, translation).

File: Girl X Girl Collection, Volume 1 Page 075.png -(2502648 B, 1736x2484) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2502648 No.949   [Reply]

The second part of the story posted >>948 . 40 pages.

TL: http://www.mediafire.com/?8ak6hy64k52n674

Signing up for editing this on the same terms as previous story. That goes for all of these stories. Raws can be provided, sorry about undercropped TL images, etc etc.

File: Girl X Girl Collection, Volume 3 Page 067.png -(2844157 B, 1742x2492) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2844157 No.915   [Reply]

The second story from Rokuroichi's "Girl x Girl Collection vol. 3". 29 page one-shot.

TL: http://www.mediafire.com/?65ovtc00858x80v

I'd like to sign up as editor for this one as well. I wonder how much work I can handle.

Poorly cropped images are porly cropped, as previously stated.

Raws can be provided on demand.

File: Girl X Girl Collection, Volume 3 Page 096.png -(3159977 B, 1750x2496) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3159977 No.914   [Reply]

Here's the third story in Rokuroichi's "Girl x Girl Collection vol. 3", a 32-pages long one-shot.

TL: http://www.mediafire.com/?j9cwnvjlsswv8r1

Signing up for editor for this one.

Sorry about the uncropped translators edition.

Raws can be provided if demanded.

File: mainvisual.jpg -(365442 B, 640x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
365442 No.854   [Reply]

The remakes of the first two visual novels have been analyzed. The changed lines are few slight adjustments as with the third visual novel and have been documented on my blog:

I would like a translator to review the lines and retranslate them if necessary, especially for My Dear Prince, which is more extensively changed and no longer maintained by its original translator.

>> No.855  

My Dear Prince

検索結果1秒。=Search took 1 second.
検索結果1件。=One search result.

私のアソコは紗良と私の蜜で、あっという間に濡れそぼってしまった。=That part was dripping before I knew it with nectar from Sara and me.
私のアソコは紗良の唾液と私の蜜で、あっという間に濡れそぼってしまった。=That part was dripping before I knew it with Sara's saliva and my nectar.

私の様子を怪訝そうに見ながら、私たちは学校を後にする。=She looked at me dubiously while we got out of school.
私の様子を怪訝そうに見る紗良と、学校を後にする。=Sara shot me a dubious glance as we left the school.

私も同じ事をして、露わになった蜜に触れた。=I did the same thing and touched the exposed nectar.
私も同じ事をして、露わになった秘苑に触れた。=I did the same thing and touched her exposed private place.

知識では知っているけれど、言ったことも聞いたこともない恥ずかしい言葉で顔が熱くなる。=Although I know about them, my face burned over the embarrassing words I never said nor heard before.
自分が言ってしまった恥ずかしい言葉で顔が熱くなる。=My face burned over the embarrassing things I was saying.

私は紗良に夜が明ける前に起こされた。=Sara woke me up before day broke.
私は紗良に目覚まし時計が鳴る前に起こされた。=Sara woke me up before the alarm.

眼鏡と髪型は見慣れたものだとしても……=Even though I was used to how I looked without glasses and with my hair untied...
眼鏡を取った顔と三つ編を解いた髪型は見慣れたものだとしても……=Even though I was used to how I looked without glasses and with my hair unbraided...

Kiss for the petals:
「そろそろ3年生のお姉さまがたは、引退の次期ですものねぇ」=All of the third-year student leaders will be gradually retiring over the next term, as usual.
「そろそろ3年生のお姉さまがたは、引退の時期ですものねぇ」=It's become the time where third-year students step down.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

File: 1322865794737.jpg -(190938 B, 710x1007) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
190938 No.77   [Reply]

Original post by Erisie, I move this to the 18+ board.


>> No.356  

YES, this guy's doujins are great.

>> No.520  



AFAIK, it's a female artist.

Still, a translation would be great, with the HD remaster and all.

>> No.756  
File: Read this.jpg -(7320 B, 200x200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I willingly offer to make cleanup and typesetting for ALL of the volumes in this series.

Is the any competent translator interested on taking this project?

File: 1322772353201.jpg -(1829641 B, 2150x3035) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1829641 No.76   [Reply]

Original post by Erisie, I move this to the 18+ board.


>> No.358  

seconded so hard. all 3.

File: 1322865929090.jpg -(171394 B, 709x1011) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
171394 No.78   [Reply]

Original post by Erisie, I move this to the 18+ board.


>> No.357  


File: Yurikan Miel_0077.jpg -(975207 B, 1740x2460) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
975207 No.313   [Reply]

18p one-shot.
JPG: http://www.mediafire.com/?oh9vej9v4cmtm7z
PNG: http://www.mediafire.com/?9n739ele3l3o3ue

Rikai wants to edit this.

File: Yurikan Miel_0021.jpg -(1249427 B, 1732x2460) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1249427 No.311   [Reply]

16p one-shot.
JPG: http://www.mediafire.com/?r2uc1jbd3hj7vqh
PNG: http://www.mediafire.com/?w3y8k1020wjjcci

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