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File: IT0000160037p.jpg -(119188 B, 560x420) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
119188 No.2122   [Reply]

I'm trying to translate the VN "Color of White" (http://www.hyperiyon.com/100periyon/cow/index.php) and need someone to extract the script. If anyone's interested, please tell me here.

>> No.2124  

If anyone's interested, please leave a comment at Wings of Yuri, actually.

>> No.2173  

Help no longer required.

File: Capture24-Jan-12-00.20.png -(537619 B, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
537619 No.657   [Reply]

"Whisper With A Kiss" is my suggestion for the subtitle translation.

A partially translated script has been uploaded at http://wiki.yuriproject.org/kuchibiru_to_kiss_de_tsubuyaite. This translation was worked on by Kuchibiru, who translated Beloved Photograph, and @fkeroge, who translated the drama CD, A Kiss of Eternal Happiness, also featuring Nanami and Yuuna (http://yukkurishimasu.wordpress.com/).

154 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.2041  

Archived: http://archive.yuriproject.org/sono_hanabira_6

This thread will be kept indefinitely so that everyone can report bug or translation problem.

>> No.2092  

Thanks for all your hard work on translating and patching the game. On a slightly related note when I go into the settings in the game, and tell it to make it full screen instead of in a window the rest of the screen turns black with the game window maintaining its size in the middle of the screen instead of expanding the picture to fit the 1980×1020 resolution of the screen. This issue isn't related exclusively to the 6th game. I also noticed it when installed and started the 8th game as well. For reference I'm using Windows 8 Professional as an operating system.

As far as translation goes I've noticed the following grammer mistakes in the 6th game:

(In the After the Committee Meeting section) that says: [spoiler] Your juices are about the drip all over the floor . I’m guessing that should have read “Your juices are about to drip all over the floor. [/spoiler] If you guys decide to release a patch any where down the line you may want to correct that, not that its a big deal. To this point I’ve been cracking up at all the funny lines.

Another apparent miss-translation is when Nanami says her heart roil which probably should have been roll…

Finally, in the nurse’s office Nanami said: “you was kissing me so intensely” probably should have been “you were kissing me”. I love the sudden dog waking way Nanami snaps out of her day dreams (especially in the beginning of the game the shocked voice of her realization is great), and the way Yuuna sounds when she’s in her perverted mood (but then again when isn’t she ;)

>> No.2093  

I forgot to include (regarding the full screen issue): I’ve tried running it in XP compatibility modes without any success as far as the screen scaling goes…

>> No.2096  

Fullscreen mode seems to work fine for me though the distortion is annoying;
Running Windows 7 Home Premium atm.

>> No.2099  
File: Ugly_font.jpg -(67325 B, 390x283) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Running under Ubuntu 12.04 in wine produces a blocky illegible text on the loading screen. Are there any particular fonts you need to install?

File: âćâŐâAâôâY001_02-03.jpg -(775452 B, 1667x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
775452 No.1129   [Reply]


I wonder if someone would be interested in translating this.
I don't know if it's branded over 18, but for sure it's rather nsfw.

34 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.2031  
File: yuri_tantei_04_01_300dpi.png -(1176447 B, 1412x2042) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here you go, much better leveling. I may sign up as possible editor for this series provided that someone provides the raws since the quality of public raws are really poor.

>> No.2032  

Is it possible for you to post this image in 300dpi so that I can work on the leveling and see how it turns out?

>> No.2066  


You don't need to declare to the world that you're not going to contribute. Or are you looking for drama?

>> No.2068  


It's simple anon. If you're not going to contribute, just don't say anything. That's all.

Now let's move on.

>> No.2082  
File: âćâŐâAâôâY010_01.jpg -(399841 B, 833x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Last ch10.
A big yuri orgy...
It would be fun if the main girl at least once would top the other girl but it seems we won't see that.

File: [Asagi_Ryuu]_恋は秘かに実らせるもの_0003.png -(2918019 B, 1538x2171) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2918019 No.2013   [Reply]

One-shot, 24 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?2gi1wwe1s9q19n1

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.2016  


Nah, part six is already scanlated:


And part five was already on the board:


>> No.2018  

Ah, ok.
Do you have covers?
And what's title of this anthology work?

>> No.2019  


The collection is titled "恋は秘かに実らせるもの".

I will scan the cover tomorrow sometime.

>> No.2030  

I think part 4 is missing.

>> No.2033  

Because it's already scanlated: http://dynasty-scans.com/reader/chapters/memories_of_her

File: [Asagi_Ryuu]_恋は秘かに実らせるもの_0030.png -(2616320 B, 1538x2166) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2616320 No.2012   [Reply]

One-shot, 26 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?veym6fd8wiivin4

File: [Asagi_Ryuu]_恋は秘かに実らせるもの_0054.png -(2908545 B, 1557x2171) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2908545 No.2011   [Reply]

One-shot, 20 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?n0nhn2xlv7mg6xz

File: [Asagi_Ryuu]_恋は秘かに実らせるもの_0143.png -(2831460 B, 1556x2166) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2831460 No.2009   [Reply]

One-shot, 24 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?yw9ablo5em1lue5

File: [Asagi_Ryuu]_恋は秘かに実らせるもの_0167.png -(3140713 B, 1557x2175) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3140713 No.2007   [Reply]

One-shot. 24 pages.


>> No.2008  


There should be an "ED: " infront of that link. I didn't write it, but you could imagine it instead~

File: butyo-001.jpg -(892640 B, 1407x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
892640 No.1990   [Reply]

I think some of you may remember Buchou-san to Jiki Buchou, Saki doujin featuring Mako and Hisa. It was translated by Tsundere Yuriko however they forgot to translate last few pages. I'd like to have complete translated version so after much pondering I've decided to try asking here for someone to translate them. I'll edit it however my editing skills are limited but I'll try my best.

TL.DR: I seek a translator for few pages of a doujin.

Here is mf link for missing pages:

File: 000.jpg -(378572 B, 1147x1619) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
378572 No.1889   [Reply]


>> No.1890  

Pages 64, 65, and then 68-72 have tentacles.

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