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File: nsfw.jpg -(58315 B, 412x293) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
58315 No.140  

Any question related to this board can be discussed here. In general the banned materials are child porn, hetero sex, futanari, guro, scat. When unsure, you can ask here first before making a project thread.

>> No.189  

You should fix the 'Can I Post This?' link

>> No.196  
File: Anri.png -(181067 B, 437x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's almost time for my finals, yet instead I decided to poke my way into Sapphism no Gensou. Am I secretly masochistic? Because I don't know how I can justify staring at hexdumps while trying to figure out what they mean. And by some kind of miracle, I succeeded.


Well, it's something different.
If anyone has played this before, is this confirmed to be 100% yuri? If yes, can we pick this up?
I just want to know what this board thinks before I go ahead and write the tools to extract and remake the script.

>> No.198  

The site coder is away at the moment, I'll ask him when he's back.

I can confirm this is 100% yuri, and sure, you can make a thread for it here.

>> No.212  

Holy shit this doesn't look like a walk in the park this doesn't look like a walk in the park.
Isn't a medium length VN like this bit too ambitious?

>> No.219  

We have all the time in the world, no hurry.

>> No.232  

Well, I can only hope that the hacker won't be too optimistic on this...

Besides, strawberry, if you have exam you should be studying!

>> No.260  

Bump fixed, noko function added, link under comment box changed.

>> No.276  

Is it possible to fix "Error: A file with the same name already exists"?

Happens when I try to attach a file, namely "001.jpg" to more than one thread (even though they are different 001.jpg files).

>> No.277  

If you look at the url for the files:
you see that they are all in the same location, so duplicate filenames are simply not possible.

I would suggest adding the thread number in front of them perhaps, like this:

There are probably better suggestions. If you need a renamer program for quick batch renaming, I recommend this:

>> No.279  

>>276 >>277
I'll see if it's possible with Kuroshiyama's suggestion.

>> No.282  

the safe board is down.

>> No.285  

It's still up. You can modify your hosts setting to prevent not being able to go on here in the future:

Click Start > Run > type C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc > OK.
In the etc folder, find the file named "hosts" and double click on it
Choose Notepad > OK.
In the opened file, find this line: localhost
Write these IP addresses right below that line, so that in these end it'll look like this: localhost yuriproject.org nsfw.yuriproject.org wiki.yuriproject.org

Leave everything else in the file alone. Click File > Save.

>> No.306  

For some reason I can't access this site (as well as lililicious.net - RIPE showed that both sites has same provider) without using proxy. AFAIK host prevents my IP range to reach port 80 because this site responds to ping instantly. Can I ask for help?

>> No.341  

Thanks I'll provide ip (preferably ip range) when I'm back from holidays, is there any safe way how to send it? I don't really feel like posting it.

>> No.342  

Fixed the cache issue, tell me if it still doesn't work for anyone.

The host says he doesn't have any IP ban at all. If you can provide the problematic IP, he'll check it for you.

>> No.343  

You could drop by the IRC channel and message it directly to Saluki.

>> No.743  

I'll delete all posts asking for translation status. The progress can be seen in the wiki for each project, head over there if you're wondering. Threads are for contributors discussing their work only.

And please type in English. "i kno dat wrkin n study is hrd but i want to kno when it will b finis" is not English.

>> No.775  

Is anyone working on (C80) [434NotFound (isya)] 2 Become 1 (Suite PreCure)?

>> No.847  

Anything about Nanzaki Iku & Amano Shuninta's works?

>> No.2372  

:3 anybody know if someone has picked this up or will pick this up

>> No.2376  

No, it has only been released 2 days ago.

>> No.2378  

yay!! :3 so will you guys pick it up or?

>> No.2394  

i'm sorry if i'm posting in the wrong thread but i dont know where exactly to ask this thing.

i would,like to know if there are groups that will be picking up bash! and tie breaker by horii kisuke.

tranquil spring is (i think) inactive and i havent heard any news about them.

if they are in haitus and not inactive forever, i could probably wait. but its making me anxious.

i hope someone will pick them up. the stories are like fresh air in the genre too. that's how i feel about them.

thank you

>> No.2407  

Are there raws to work with in the first place? I have been searching to no avail, and Horii no longer does international sales if I remember correctly.

>> No.2408  

i cant access the homepage and wiki page since last week :(
am i the only one having this problem?

>> No.2409  


>> No.2428  


aw... thank you very much for the information.
actually, i plan to buy the books.

if i get around it, i'll probably share it with you guys.

thank you for the info XD

>> No.2478  

All future releases are on the homepage at http://yuriproject.net

The old list on the wiki is no longer maintained and will get removed once all old releases have been moved to the blog.

Also a reminder that project threads are for project work. Not for comments, discussion or questions related to a series (that's http://yuriproject.net ) not to ask for raws (that's http://safe.yuriproject.net/res/1144.html ) and not for off-topic discussions (that's this thread).

This is really getting out of hand lately and interferes with the work of the contributors so any future post in that vein will get deleted without further comment and repeated offenders banned.

>> No.2485  

You should pin this post to the top of the board

>> No.2486  

Stock wakaba doesn't have sticky threads. The homepage link is at the top.

>> No.2488  

For this part-> "Also a reminder that project threads are for project work. Not for comments, discussion..."
Maybe you could put it below "Password xxxxxx (for post and file deletion)" where people can easily notice/see/read it...

>> No.2495  

If the boards are clean most people will just read the atmosphere.

>> No.2510  
File: Connect by Itsuki Touma.jpg -(373826 B, 875x1280) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I was wondering if someone knows where I can find a link to Connect by Itsuki Touma.

>> No.2512  

>>2510 Here you are http://www.mediafire.com/?t67eje0mfwgrm6t

>> No.2514  

Not the guy who asked, but thank you for that. If anyone happens to have a translation available for it please don't hesitate to post.

>> No.2515  

was to

>> No.3629  

is anyone translating color of white?

>> No.3630  

No, it looks like whoever picked it up dropped it.

>> No.3633  

thats unfortunate.
How about White Robe Love Syndrom?

>> No.3635  

White Robe saw a spike of activity half a year ago (it's on the YP wiki). Nothing after that and still a long way to go though, so I don't know.

>> No.3639  

E-mail notifications for the wiki appear to be misconfigured. Links to the wiki point to http://wiki.yuriproject.net:8888. Port 8888 is incorrect and should be removed from the URL.

>> No.3640  

In the configuration I changed the baseurl from its default auto-detected. Maybe that helps.

>> No.3681  

The wiki has been moved to a different server. If it's still unreachable for you, restart your browser.

>> No.3687  

so, whats the guideline on asking for updates for specific projects? should i ask here or in the project thread? This is concerning Sweet Grown-up Kisses

>> No.3688  

Do the smart thing and not ask. Because it does not accomplish anything, and does nothing but annoy people.

>> No.3873  

This is a legit yuri vn. it was released June last year.
does anybody know if someone has picked this up?

heres the link:

>> No.4760  
File: CJH8M63UwAAY5kN.jpg -(92988 B, 1000x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

As you may have heard, St. Michael Girls' School has formed an exclusive partnership with MangaGamer to localize and distribute A Kiss For The Petals visual novels: http://blog.mangagamer.org/2015/07/05/announcements-from-anime-expo-2015/

In light of this new partnership for the official localization of A Kiss For The Petals visual novels, I have determined that changes to the administration of Petals' Garden are necessary. For the sake of the new direction St. Michael Girls' School faces in English distribution, I will depart from the translations in progress here, and Petals' Garden will no longer support them.

This is an entirely voluntary move on my part and not a request to end work on them. The translations posted here remain the property of their authors. For more information, please see http://axypb.net/statement-on-the-visual-novel-translations-on-petals-garden/

Thank you for your understanding in this critical time for St. Michael Girls' School and MangaGamer.

>> No.4765  

>>4760 Does this also mean that the ones currently in the works (Not part of the St. Michael's Franchise but of the original SonoHana instead) such as Lily Platinum will not be supported by you AKA Petal's Garden anymore? Or is it only stricted to St. Michael's works (which is basically the first MiyaRisa game onwards)?

>> No.4766  

Petals' Garden will no longer support or participate in any unsanctioned translations of retail products from Fuguriya, Yurin Yurin, or St. Michael Girls' School. This includes all visual novel translations hosted by Yuri Project, regardless of completion status. The onus of A Kiss For The Petals visual novel translation now belongs to MangaGamer, and I believe that working on fan translation projects while they produce official English localizations will harm the chances of additional license agreements being made.

>> No.4774  

What are some good Yuri hentai series? uncensored if possible.

>> No.4824  

Didn't see any rules listed anywhere so not sure if this'll get deleted and if so, sorry.

Anyway, I was wondering about where I can ask for help using Arctool to compile scripts for a VN. Fiddling with it for a little bit now and I don't know how to use it. Can I ask for help in this General Discussion thread or somewhere else?

Didn't want to ask in it's TL thread since it seems to me like it wouldn't be much different from the asking for progress updates thing, ie adding nothing of relevence to th4e thread.

(I originally posted this in the SFW general thread a little earlier but thought twice afterwards deleting it and reposting here so sorry about that too ;>_>)

>> No.4868  

Please excuse me if this is inappropriate for this board, but unfortunately I don't know how to contact Ralen directly.

I would like to know if anyone knows if wakachan (and therefore, /azu/) is down temporarily or if it's down for good. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe Ralen is still a moderator and may know some more about it or if there is still a temporary site still around like Shimauu.

>> No.4872  

I don't know what's going on either. I emailed the person who gave me the admin password for moderating (I don't know his exact affiliation, if he's the owner, or what), asking if he could tell me what was going on, but I haven't heard back. The binhoster backup board is also gone, so I don't know of any other places, except the nsfw thread on shanachan.

>> No.4873  


I see, thanks for the response. It would be a shame if it were dead for good. I don't care for most of the contents of the nsfw board, but I guess I will lurk there for more info so I don't clutter up this board.

>> No.4874  

I just heard back from my contact this morning, and apparently the site is gone for good. According to him, someone posted illegal material and the hosting company pulled the plug (it's not clear if it was on /azu/ or one of the other boards, since wakachan was home to several).

He offered to give me an archive of the board's contents if I could arrange hosting somewhere else. I'll have to see how feasible that is.

>> No.4875  


That's a real shame. I suppose it was inevitable though since a lot of those other boards were much less active than /azu/ and probably had little or no moderation against spam. Is there somewhere in the meantime where I can wait for an update on the situation like a twitter or blog or something? I feel bad that I'm taking a lot of space on an off topic discussion.

>> No.4876  

You can feel free to post your Yotsubato and IM translations here if you need a place. I know they don't have that much to do with yuri but Yuri Project, Yotsuba Project, honestly who g.a.f.

>> No.4880  

AXYPB has been gracious enough to host a new board for us. Please distribute the link however you are able.

The software is different from the old board, so the posts didn't carry over, but if we can get the last backup from the old board's administrator, there's still the possibility to set up a temporary mirror to recover any files or other information of value.

>> No.5686  

timeout test

>> No.5785  

I've been trying to upload some raws and always get this message. What are the text limits?

>> No.5786  
File: I Promised to Marry My Childhood Friend 10 Years Ago 00.png -(844583 B, 762x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Twenty-four page manga with five chapters.

>> No.5793  


I translated this over on the safe board.

>> No.5794  


I'm not entirely sure, but generally the subject line seems the most fussy. Try a shorter subject line and see if that helps

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