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File: mclk_19.png -(1217287 B, 2220x3106) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1217287 No.5753  
>> No.5768  
File: My Cute Little Kitten Ch19.txt -(7954 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.5770  

This chapter gives a whole new definition of sleeping together...

>> No.5772  

Will get started on this

>> No.5790  


Not gonna lie, the stuff about the kyuu ranks was kinda confusing. The ranks start at 6 or 10, advance to 1, then advance back to 10?

>> No.5791  


Yup. Funky system. But standard in Japanese martial arts/cultural arts.

>> No.5799  


flag: Rena saying "thanks for the meal" sounds odd given that she made it, though reading up on 'itadakimasu' I guess it makes sense for Japanese culture.

error: "...so doing fine" -> "...so I'm doing fine". Unless the idea is deliberately that she's speaking sloppily.

flag: I would say "and it looks like...", but I guess dropping 'it' works for casual speaking.

flag: I wouuld say "anyway", not "anyways", but this might be my dialect.

error: "whats" -> "what's"

>> No.5800  


Made all the corrections! Thanks for catching them!

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