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File: Android Dreams Of Jiraikei Girl, V1.png -(767132 B, 760x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
767132 No.5795  

Chapter 1 was translated by Unhinged translations around eleven months ago and then nothing more. I have volume one and so far have turned chapter two into something that can hopefully be worked with.

>> No.5796  


>> No.5797  

Added onto the previous link.
Also, if you need a proofreader for this, I'll be happy to do it. My average error rate is 1/ ~62000 (I write fiction novels sometimes, GL, of course)

>> No.5798  

Still using the same link, the PSD file now has chapter four added to it.

>> No.5801  

Again using the original download link, more chapters and the closing pages have been added to the PSD file. These added chapters and pages conclude volume one.
Will anybody be willing/ able to translate it? 🥺

>> No.5806  

Any raws available for me to look at?

>> No.5807  

The PSD file has all of the volume one content, starting from the beginning of chapter two or do you need image files?

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