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File: 000001.jpg -(3933046 B, 2161x3045) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3933046 No.3490  

22 pages
Scans by anya_
This has a part two, which the person said they will also scan.

And I'll sign up to edit this.

>> No.3493  

Might do this.

>> No.3494  
File: yuri yuri m@ster.txt -(3848 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Don't know much about imas, but here it is.

>> No.3495  

How do I level this? The gray tint of the page is the same shade as some of the textures.

And even a light blur like 1:10 changes the image a lot.

>> No.3497  
File: 03.png -(904434 B, 1414x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

How's this? Overleveled?

>> No.3498  

It looks very slightly over leveled, but it's better than anything I could get. What did you use for that?

>> No.3499  
File: 10001.png -(55329 B, 1223x483) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Just for examples sake, left is just the raw with a 240black dusting layer, and the right is what you did. You can see some texture is getting destroyed.

But I'm not sure it's avoidable with these.

>> No.3500  

I think 55 black and 217 white. I don't know much about leveling, though, so maybe you should wait for someone else's input.

>> No.3501  


This is not dusted because I still don't think it's leveled right.

And if you want to TL the sfx's I'll typeset them as well.

>> No.3503  

Tricky. If you want to absolutely avoid detail loss, you'll have to use selective leveling and blurring.

1st leveling layer 90:1.2:236
2nd leveling layer (above the first) 0:1:245
Smart Blur, 5:10, Low, Normal

Then look for the pages where the gradients have fading edges. Restore the edges from the backup. Then paint black on the second leveling layer to restore the loss through leveling. Paint far enough into the gradient so the contrast between painted and unpainted isn't obvious anymore.

Hope that makes sense. Here's one example.


>> No.3504  
File: yuri sfx.txt -(451 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I can get most of the sfx, but there are some I'm not sure of.

p. 10
ジャァー (Flushing?)

p. 13
ザァァ (Rain)

p. 14
ザァー (Rain)
バァァァ (Rain?)

p. 16
ザァァァ (Rain)

p. 17
ぱさっ (Skirt falling)
どきっ (Doki)

p. 18
ドキ (Doki)

p. 20
サァァァ (Rain)
ザァァ (Rain)
シャッ (Swish?)

>> No.3505  

Okay yeah, I never would have figured that out. I was trying to use the polygon lasso to select the lighter arenas of patterns, then inverse the selection so it would blur everything except that, but it was not working to well.

Thanks for the advice.

Cool, I'll add those in.

>> No.3506  


I left out the sfx's you were not sure on, if no one can confirm them I'll just add those in for the final QC.

>> No.3509  


>p. 10
>ジャァー (Flushing?)

(Flush or sink)

>p. 13
>ザァァ (Rain)


>p. 14
>ザァー (Rain)


>バァァァ (Rain?)

(Muffled rain)

>p. 16
>ザァァァ (Rain)

(This is inside. Since we're distinguishing that in the rest of the manga, this can be muffled rain)

>p. 17

They are cute / your underwear. =>
It's cute / your underwear.

Let me see your hand. =>
Give me your hand.

>ぱさっ (Skirt falling)


>どきっ (Doki)


>p. 18
>ドキ (Doki)


>p. 20
>サァァァ (Rain)

(this is also muffled)

>ザァァ (Rain)


>シャッ (Swish?)


>> No.3510  


>It's cute

I swapped it around, but isn't "underwear" always used in a plural sense? I changed his "they're cute" to "they are cute" because it would not fit in the bubble, not sure if the original is using a contraction or not.

>> No.3511  

No, underwear is uncountable. Non-counts are usually referred to with singular pronouns unless the context explicitly pluralizes them (I bought three pairs of underwear, aren't they cute?)

>> No.3512  

Ah, okay. Then I'll just leave it as is.

>> No.3514  
>Link updated

I just noticed the smart blur basically destroyed all the texture on the color page, so I fixed that. I also threw in some random color page from the author's pixiv account, because, why not.

>> No.3529  

pg 1: Oversaturated. Haruka is supposed to be a brunette, not a redhead. Lower the black leveling a bit and if it still comes out too red-ish, use a Hue/Saturation layer.

pg 4: "Haruka." (last one) a bit up. Maybe "Haru-/ka." and size increase in both instances to make the emphasis more prominent.

pg 6: "Chihaya-chan." bit up.

pg 12: inconvinient -> inconvenient

pg 21: "Afterword" good bit right

>> No.3533  
File: -01.jpg -(2052852 B, 1700x2400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I could not make her hair the right shade without altering the whole page to drastically. So I just cropped out her hair and changed the hue saturation of that. I think it came out fine.

>> No.3534  

Yeah, that looks good.

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