128 君と結わえる Tied Up With You 129 ママの雑貨屋にアルバイトの春香ちゃんが入ったのは Haruka-chan started working at mama's general store 二ヶ月前 two months ago 130 よろしくお願いします Please treat me well. あの Um, 井上さんの下の名前何ですか? Inoue-san, what's your given name? 私? Me? …紀子 ...Noriko. のりこさん…のんちゃん? Noriko-san...Non-chan? え? Eh? 井上社長と同じ名字なので… Your surname's the same as our boss's, so... あぁ… Ah... そっか …いいよ?それで That's true...Well, that's okay, then. 131 本当ですか? Is it really? じゃあ のんちゃん? All right then, Non-chan 無口そうなのによどみなく話す女の子 A girl who seems reserved, yet talks without hesitation そんな印象 That was my impression of her ……私とは 縁のなさそうな… ...Except, she seems so そんな女の子 unconnected to me. のんちゃん Non-chan 132 それいつも通りですよね? This is what you usually do, right? 梱包終わったので 後 私やっておきます。 I'm done with the packaging, so I'll finish up here afterward. のんちゃんはお昼に You can go on to lunch. あ じゃあ 後で一緒にやってもらってもいい? Ah, then, we don't we both take care of things afterward? そしたら二人でお昼入っても間に合っちゃうから That way we'll both have time for lunch later. はい Okay. ごめんね…裏方ばっかりで Sorry about keeping out of sight so much. ピリ Tear 春香ちゃんもお昼の方がいいよねぇ Lunch is better with you, Haruka-chan. いえ 全然 Oh, no, not at all でも…つまらなくない? But...Isn't this job boring? 雑貨とか猫好きなんでしょ?裏は伝票と箱の山だし…… I like sundries and cats and things, you know? And the sales tickets and mountains of boxes behind the counter, too. …確かにかわいいですね ...It's all so charming to me. でも But 133 もっと more than that 好きな人が居るのでバイトしたくて I wanted this job because there's somebody I like. あ…そっか Ah...I see. おしゃれとかお金かかるんだね And being stylish and stuff is expensive, isn't it? 春香ちゃんいつもかわいいかっこしてるし That must be how you always look so cute, Haruka-chan. つ……付き合ってるの? Are...Are you dating him? いえ No. 好きなだけで I just have a crush. え〜告白しちゃえばいいのに! Eh~You should just confess, then! 出来ないですよ I can't. 134 結婚してるとか? Is he married? いえ フリーっぽいですけど… No, I don't think I have competition... 絶対 But, I definitely ダメです… can't say anything... そう言った横顔を見て As she said that, I saw the side of her face 初めて気付いた and I noticed for the first time 135 キレイな子だなぁ… how pretty she really is... この子と居ると When I'm with this girl 見たくない自分を意識してしまうのは I feel conscious of a self I don't want to see. そのせいなのかな… I wonder if it's just her nature... キュッ Schlssh キュッ Schlssh 恥ずかしくなってしまうの I'm starting to feel so embarrassed. 136 平凡を取り揃えた自分が― I've tried all this time to make myself just be normal... 平凡以下だったらどうしよう… But what do I do if that self is something less than normal? じっ… Stare... ゴク Gulp っ……はぁ ...Haaahhh 元々 取り柄なんてないけれど I don't really have any notable features, 気にした事なんてなかったのには… and there's nothing I'm especially interested in... する Slide 137 掃除なんてバイトに任せて下さい Please leave the cleaning to me. ドキ― Thump いつからそこに!! When did you get here! わ Thi- 私もバイトだよ? This is my job too, you know? 娘なだけで Even though I'm the owner's daughter. ドキドキ Thump thump ドキドキ Thump thump つ…ついに春香ちゃんにどつきりするまでに… Until Haruka-chan startled me, I was... じゃあ 面倒な事は私にまわして下さいね? In that case, be sure to let me help with those duller tasks. 新人教育に This new employee I'm teaching... 138 どんな人なんだろう… I wonder what kind of person she truly is... ………ありがとう ...Thanks. キレイな上に紳士的と言うか何と言うか… She's so pretty, so proper on the surface こんな春香ちゃんに想われてる男の子って… and I'm thinking about her as if she were a boy... ……私には関係のない話だけど……… ...Even though that's something I don't have any experience with. 何か変な気分… This is such a strange feeling... 今日はお店もないし何しよう The shop's closed today...What else should I do? てく Step のんちゃん Non-chan. 139 は Hah やっぱりそうだ You really were here. こんにちは Good afternoon. こっ Go- ひい〜!! Eeek! こんにちはっ Good afternoon! 大学の帰りですか? On your way home from college? うん… Yeah... 春香ちゃんは? What are you up to? なんかもう I feel so 苦手な気がしてきた… awkward all of a sudden... 今日は大学休みだったんで I have today off from my college 今までお店です so I've only been at work. あ Ah. そうだったね That makes sense. 140 今日も I wonder if today キレイな春香ちゃん I really don't feel embarrassed 恥ずかしくないかな… being with such a pretty girl... 私と一緒に居で When I'm with Haruka-chan 141 もう やだな so many strange feelings いろんな気分が start to close in on me. 押し寄せて I'm not sure if I can take it. 一緒に居るのが I'm with her, but 苦痛…… it's so painful... 今日 のんちゃんお店ないですよね? Non-chan, you don't have your shift today, do you? うん… No... 西口にかわいいフレンチのお店が出来たんで…そこで一緒にごはん食べませんか? Say, there's a cute French restaurant on the west side...Perhaps we could have dinner there? え? Eh? 142 コレが What is this girl この子と? asking me to do? かわいいフレンチ?! A cute French place?! なにソレ What is this? 無理… I can't... 行かない!! I can't go! ―スミマセン………私とじゃ… I'm sorry...I must be... 嫌ですよね… being too pushy, I see... えっ Wha? ちがっ No! そんなんじゃっ That's not ないの― it at all! チーン Chi-n のんちゃんて一人暮らしなんですよね So, you live on your own, then, Non-chan. 私てっきり井上社長とご一緒だと I though you'd still be leaving with the manager. 143 うん…実家ほとんど本店の倉庫になっちゃってるから Yeah...My parents' house practically became the store's warehouse, you see. すく Fwish ちょっとごめんね Excuse me for a bit? ジーンズだと足痛いから着がえて来る! These jeans aren't comfortable, so I'm gonna change. あ!コップもね! Ah! Take a cup, too! ガララ Thump thump はい All right. ピシャ Close はぁ― Hahhh... 一緒にっ一緒にごはん食べるならコンビニよってうち行こ!!うち!! W-We can eat together at my house! We'll have convenience store takeout! …はい ...All right. 春香ちゃんはそのお店に行きたかったんだよね All that even though she really wanted to go to that restaurant... なんて事を… Why did I do that... あ Ah ゴー Rrrrr ゴー Rrrrr 144 のんちゃん待って! Non-chan, wait! 着がえるなら私が出るのであったかい所で Since you're changing anyway, I'll go out and wait someplace... ガラ Slide あ… ...warmer... うん Oh. 145 すっ Swish スミマセン I'm sorry. かあああ Blushhh なんか Somehow そんな反応されると that response she just gave 余計はずかしい… makes this even more embarrassing... 146 もうやだ… I can't take this... たっ Step ―スカート ...You don't はかいんですか? ever wear skirts, do you? 脚…すごくキレイなのに Even though...you have such pretty legs. こういうのが嫌なのかな… I can't tell if this atmosphere... この雰囲気 is something I can't stand. ―男の子と話してるみたいな… It feels as if a boy's talking to me... あは Ahah 誰も見たくないよー No one wants to see them... 147 私は見たいです I do. チク Jab 苦しくなるの This is so painful. 自分だった事が嫌になってしまう I'm starting to detest my old self. もう少し… A little more... 私が If only あと soon もう少しだけ I could be かわいかったら… just a little cuter... 148 もっと楽しくて魅力的だったら If I were just a bit more fun, a bit more attractive... 「私じゃ…」 “I can't...” 「ダメです」 “say anything.” そんな想いの Those were bits and pieces 欠片でも… of her feelings, but... 私に向けられる事があったんじゃないかって―… What if...they were meant for me? 私 春香ちゃんが…好きなの? Do I...love Haruka-chan? 思ってもない事 Don't say things 言わないで… you don't mean... 149 私になんか誰もキョーミ持たないよ There's nobody who's interested in me. 春香ちゃんは優しいけど… Haruka-chan, you're kind, but... 余計…つらいよ this...is too painful for me. だって 恋だったから Because, if this is love 女の子なのに even if it were with her 叶うわけない… it could never come true... 本当に思ったらいいですか…? Would it be okay if I really thought that...? 150 ギッ… Gasp... ずっと見てみたかった…とか About all of you that I wanted to see... さわりたいとか… That I wanted to touch... ビクッ Shock おいしそう All of you that looked だとか… so delicious... 151 ちゅっ Kiss 思った事全部 Would you let me tell you 聞いていてくれますか…? everything that I've felt? っ ... あっ Ah や… Yah... 春香ちゃん Haruka-chan どういう事だか What is this? 待って Wait 私…っ I'm... グッ Grab 152 意味が… Why is she... トサッ Toshaaa あっ Ahh ねぇ Hey のんちゃんと Non-chan, I …したいです ...want you. 153 ツ Drip タツ Drip 私は何も言えなくなってしまった I went completely speechless. ギッ Creak 154 チュッ Kiss 春香ちゃんが… What is she... ちゅ Kiss. ひゃっ… Hyahhh... 私を……? doing to me...? そろ Grasp ん… Mmm... やわらかい So soft... 155 本当は聞きた事がたくさんあるの There's truly so much I want you to hear. っ ... 言葉で In words ん Mm 確かめたい事が…… Things I want to make sure of... はぁ Haaah …のんちゃん… ...Non-chan... でも But 156 …いいんですか? ...is this okay? 掠れた声が That husky voice, ふるえる指先が those quivering fingertips... その答えを教えてくれてるみたいで… They seemed to give me an answer... わ……私も…… You...You can... 好き…だから… Because...I love... 157 えっちが? Sex? ―じっ じゃあっ もうっ キライっ Hyah, no, geez, you idiot! び― Heeee! やっ!ウソ!! Yah! I was kidding! ウソですっ ごめんなさいっ I'm sorry, I was only kidding! ごめんなさい… I'm really sorry... ―だって… You see, I... 信じられなくて… couldn't believe it... 158 …トクン ...Thump …好き ...I love you のんちゃん… Non-chan... ン… Mm... あっ Ahhh ア Ah 159 はぁ… Haaah... 大好き…… I love you so much... ふぁ… Fwuah... あっ Ahhh はぁ… Haaah... 160 あれは合図だったんだ That was a signal. 春香ちゃん Haruka-chan 私は縁のなさそうな子… This girl I thought I wouldn't be able to connect to... キレイですてきな This beautiful, lovely …女の子 ...woman. はじめからあきらめて本当に傷付かない様に From the beginning I'd given up on love, so I wouldn't be hurt. 私がもっと… But, even so... それでも求めてしまうから―… I want more of her... 161 は… Ha... あっ Ahhh あっ… Ahh... 春香ちゃん… Haruka-chan... チュ… Kiss …のんちゃんの脚本当にキレイで ...Non-chan, your legs really are so pretty. ……えっち… ...Pervert... きゅう… Squeeze あ… Ah... 162 あ… Ah... 恋って苦しいね Love is so painful, isn't it? 私そろそろ帰りますね I think I'll head home soon. 遅くまですみま・せん I'm sorry for staying over so late. あ…あぶないから送るよ Ah...It's dangerous out, so I can walk you there. のんちゃんにそんな事されたら私の方が心配で帰れないですよ If you do that for me I'd worry about you and couldn't go home. じゃ We- じゃあ泊まれば? Well, how about staying over? 163 お家の人が平気なら…… That is, if it's okay with your family... つ…付き合ってるんだし…(多分) Since...We're dating now...(I think) ドキ Thump ドキ Thump そっ それに敬語も何かアレだよねっ A-Also, you don't have to be so formal, you know. …どっ ...Thuuud びくう Shock はっ Hahh 春香ちゃん!? Haruka-chan? うう…… Uuuu... のんちゃん…… Non-chan... ぎゅう Squeeze ……思い切ってバイト申し込んで ...I'm so happy よかったです…っ that I took that risk to apply for this job. 164 髪型変えてまつ毛エクステつけて And that I changed my hairstyle, wore lash extensions, メイクも練習してよかったです… and always made sure my make-up was on right... ぼろぼろ Sob sob えっ Eh? は 春香ちゃんはそんなしなくてもすごくかわいいよ!? Ha-Haruka-chan, you're cute already! You don't have to do that much! うそですっ 能面ですっ That's not true. That's just a mask. ポイントカード…4冊目になっても覚えてもらえないくらい Even after four point cards at this shop...you couldn't remember me. 地味なんです… I'm completely plain. それ私の記憶力が悪いだけじゃ…… That's just because my memory's not so good... それでもやっぱりお話 出来るくらいにはなりたくて…… But even so, I wanted to be able to talk to you... 行動してみて…よかった… And I'm so happy...that I finally tried... 165 女の私じゃダメだって……あきらめたフリで I thought I couldn't be with you, as a woman...but I'm so happy ……よかった …you told me you were single. あんな気持ちに春香ちゃんでもなるんだね…… So Haruka-chan had those feelings all along... ありがとう春香ちゃん… Thank you, Haruka-chan... …大好き ...I love you. 何も出来ない私に教えてくれて For telling that to the me who couldn't do anything. 166 あ…… Ah... のんちゃん… Non-chan... 好きになってくれて And for falling in love with me. えっと… Ummm.... カギ……… Keys.... おっけ― Okay- キャリ Lift 167 変じゃ…ないかな? It doesn't...look weird? お… Go- おはよ― Good morning... あ… Ah... …おはようございます Good morning! 春香ちゃんが繋いでくれた縁 Now, I'll bind up even stronger やっぱり似合う It looks so great on you! ホント? Really? 今度は私が強く結ぶから that connection Haruka-chan tied to me. おわり End (君と結わえる) Tied Up with You