Wildrose 8 Story 1 くずしろ きものせい 前編 Your fault (First Part) by Kuzushiro ---[ 1 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0001.png ]--- おはよう あやか!! Good morning, Ayaka!! つーか 今日超さむいー Or actually, it's friggin' cold! うわ Uwah! 抱きつかないでよ!! Don't hug me!! いーじゃん 別に Geez, just this is fine, right? s にーー Grin かなこと私は幼馴染で親友だ Kanako and I are childhood friends and bosom friends. …そう That's right. 親友だよ Bosom friends. ---[ 2 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0002.png ]--- 小学校からずっと一緒だった Since elementary school we were always together. さすがに部活は Though for something like clubs 文芸部に入部届 出しに行くの付いて来てよ― I'm gonna submit my application to the literature club. Come with me. はぁ?ひとりでいきなよ Huh? Do it on your own. とか言いながら付いて来てくれるあやか好き♥ Haha, Ayaka, you say that, but you're still following ♥ はいはい Yeah, yeah. 一緒じゃなかったけど we did go separate ways, of course. 周りから勘違いされるくらいには仲が良い We get along so well, sometimes people mistake it for something more. はい あーん Here, say "ah." はぁ!?何ソレ 子供じゃないのよ Huh?! What are you doing? I'm not a child. そうじゃなくって こうしないとあやか野菜食べないでしょ!? But without this, you don't eat your veggies, do you?! ---[ 3 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0003.png ]--- 菓子パンばっかじゃ栄養偏るわよ If you only eat sweet bread, you won't get enough nutrition. ほら Come. ん… Mm... お泊りなんてしょっちゅうする We often have sleepovers. ふざけ半分で And then, though not seriously, キスしたこともある程度の we end up kissing sometimes. 揺るぎない 私だけの親友 That's how steady we are. My bosom friend for me alone. ---[ 4 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0004.png ]--- だから想像することすら出来なかったのだ I couldn't so much as imagine じゃ私部活あるから Bye, I got my club now. うんまた明日ね Okay, see you tomorrow. かなこが私に Kanako keeping f 隠し事をする とか a secret from me. ---[ 5 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0005.png ]--- …お友達は部活に行ったのね ...Your friend is going to her club, huh? はい…先輩… Yes, Senpai... s する Slide じゃあ Then... …私らも部活 the two of us しようか should get busy, too. …はい ...Yes! ---[ 6 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0006.png ]--- 私は知らなかった I had no clue that 私がかなこからもらったタオルで汗を拭いているとき while I toweled off my sweat かなこが先輩に汗を舐められているとか Kanako's senpai was licking off Kanako's sweat. キス欲しがるようになっちゃって Look at you, you want me to kiss you, right? 先輩先輩♡ Senpai, Senpai ♡ s は Haa ちゅーして♡ Kiss me ♡ s はあ Haa やらしい What an indecent girl. 私は知らなかった I had no clue. かなこの「特別」は私だとばかり思っていたし For in my mind Kanako's /special person/ was me alone, ---[ 7 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0007.png ]--- 私の「特別」もかなこだったから as my /special person/ was Kanako alone. かなこが間違いを起こすなら相手は私だと思ってた So if Kanako were to /slip/, it could only be with me. でも私は間違いを起こさない Never, though, would I /slip/. s じ… Stare... だってかなこが一番大切だから After all, Kanako is the most precious to me in the world. かなこが私に打ち明けたなら別だけど If Kanako were to confide in me, it would be all right, of course. もう人の話聞いてんの Geez! Listen to me! はいはい Yeah, yeah. だからあやかはいっつも You always do that! 私からは何も言わない… But it couldn't come from me... だから知りようがなかった Because of those feelings I couldn't have known. 私のこんな気持ちなんて But those feelings... ---[ 8 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0008.png ]--- そんなものまるで幼稚で were absolutely childish. ほらいつも一人でしてるみたいにやりなさい Come on, do it like you do when you're alone. じゃないともう触ってあげないわよ Or else I won't touch you anymore. s はあ Haa はいぃ先輩… Yesh! Senpai...! s はあ Haa その何段も先にかなこが行っていたとか While Kanako, meanwhile, was walking further ahead of me into adulthood. 私は知らなかった I didn't know... かなこもう帰ったかな… Did Kanako go home already? 私は… because I thought... …上手にイケたからご褒美上げるわね You came splendidly, so here is your reward. はい… Yes...! かなこの全てを知っているつもりだったから I knew everything there was to know about her. ---[ 9 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0009.png ]--- 私に説教しながら指なんてさしてくるかなこが Kanako, who points her finger at me in admonishment, もうしゃんとしないと明日から起こしにきてあげないわよ Get your act together or I won't come wake you up anymore! つか頼んでないし… Well, I never asked. はあ!? Huh?! はあ Haa はあ Haa ちゅ… Sllrp ちゅ Sllr 先輩の指をしゃぶったりとか would suck her Senpai's finger. 何年前のポーズだよって感じで When she acts out a cute pose... あやかのバーカ Ayaka, you jerk! 何それ古っ Don't stick your tongue out to me! 見せてきたかなこの舌が the tongue she shows me 先輩の舌と絡んでるとか would now be entangled with Senpai's. ---[ 10 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0010.png ]--- 知るわけないじゃない There was no way for me to know. 私が週末の課題が終わらず Complaining about homework... どーしよ…月曜までにコレってムリだって… Geez, how am I supposed to do all this before Monday?! だから毎日少しずつやりなっつってるじゃん You were supposed to work on it every day. 部活で忙しいのもわかるけど Even if you're busy with your club. 深夜かなこに泣きついたその時 I called Kanako late at night, but at the same time 先輩に後ろからいじられてたとか she was getting teased by Senpai. はあ Haa ホン…と…バカねぇ You're truly... Mm... a fool. はあ Haah ---[ 11 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0011.png ]--- だって しょうがないじゃない I mean, how could I have known... …かなこ 大丈夫? Kanako, are you okay? なんか声変だけど…風邪? Your voice sounds odd. Do you have a cold? …え? ...Huh? あ…ううん 大丈夫…つーか 早く解きなよ Oh, no. I'm fine. Anyway, go and do your homework! ちょっと息が荒いとか… そんな気はしたけど口調はいつも通りのかなこだったし Sure her breathing was rough, but the tone was the sane as always. その日もかなこはいつも通りで The next day she acted her usual self. おはよーあやか Morning, Ayaka! ねー次の日曜服見に行こーよ Hey, let's go try clothes next Sunday. 部活あるし I have my club. いつもとおり私の隣にいたし And hung out with me as normal. もーまたぁ Geez, again! f 私はそれだけで満足してたし Because I was satisfied with just that, 気付きようがないじゃない I didn't notice. ---[ 12 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0012.png ]--- …だが 知ってしまったある日 Then came the day I found out... あれ かなこ弁当置いてってんじゃん Hm, Kanako left her lunch. 仕方ないな―部活行く前に Guess before I go to my club 文芸部まで届けてやるか I'll drop it off at the literature club. f なんて Something prodded my imagination SIGN)文芸部 Literature Club f 変な気を回さなきゃよかったものを and I wish I hadn't pursued it. 失礼しま― Excuse me. あ Ah. その時のことは What I saw then ---[ 13 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0013.png ]--- あ… Ah... ん… Mm... よく覚えている I remember well. うつろな目で Her eyes unfocused 先輩のキスに夢中になるかなこ と Kanako was in a dreamlike state kissing her Senpai. は Hah ん Mm あ Ah は Haa はあ Haa 先輩の勝ち誇った様の顔と Senpai looked at me with a boasting laugh. ---[ 14 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0014.png ]--- 異様な程 興奮した自分と And I... felt strangely aroused. そんな自分を The part of me that arousal was coming from はーー Haah はーー Haah *殺したい*けどしょうがない I wish I could /kill/, but there was nothing I could do. とか思いながら Helplessly, 部活も出ずに帰って I skipped club and went home. f ひとしきり興奮して After that spell of arousal f 我に返って思った I had returned to myself, I thought. ---[ 15 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0015.png ]--- 男に生まれればよかったのに I wish I had been born a guy. …それは Because then... 男だったら先輩に取られる前に告れたのに とか I could have confessed before Senpai got to her. 堂々付き合えたのに とか And we could have gone out for real. そんなモノではなく単純 And, even if that failed, 男だったら今日の出来事オカズにして思いっきり抜いてすっきり出来たかなぁ〜〜 what I saw today would have simply been something to jack off to. という救いのない程 下衆な思考によるものだった With thoughts as despicable as that, the issue became beyond salvageable. ---[ 16 / 16 | Wildrose Vol. 8_0016.png ]--- おはようあやか!! Good morning, Ayaka!! ……?どうしたの?なんか今日元気ない? Hmm? What's up? Not feeling well today? えーなんでさ Eh? Not at all, そして下衆な私は気付かないフリをして今日もかなこと話す I put up a facade for my disgraceful self, pretending not to know anything to continue talking to Kanako. 元気元気ちょー元気 I'm well, well, super well! 何それ(笑) What's that?! Haha. だってどうしようもないもの Because there's nothing I can do about it. けど…あの日から私にも隠しことが出来た And since that day, I then also had a little secret. かなこを見る度先輩との行為を妄想しては欲情してる By looking at Kanako, I have lustful fantasies of what she and her Senpai are doing. でも…いいよね それくらいだって私達は But, that's okay, right? Because 親友だからね We're bosom friends.