倉田嘘 夏の日 Summer Day By Kurata Uso ---[ 1 / 8 | Wildrose v7_0133.png ]--- 昨日はゴメンね 絢 海行けなくて Sorry about yesterday, Aya. That I couldn't go to the beach. ううん Ah, no. 幸風邪はもういいの? Is your cold better now? うん Yep. それよかほら More importantly, 持ってきた?水着 did you bring your swimsuit? まあ Yes, 幸が言うから… 'cause you said so, Sachi...? よし All right! それじゃ 海行けなかった代わりに… Then, instead of going to the beach... ---[ 2 / 8 | Wildrose v7_0134.png ]--- s きゃ きゃ ばしゃ Kyaa! Kyaa! Thud! 風呂場でなにやってんの幸は Why are they in the bathroom? 行水だって Said she'd take a bath. f ガチかよ Geez, idiots. ---[ 3 / 8 | Wildrose v7_0135.png ]--- s ばしゃー Thud! わはー! Wahaa! f つめたー It's cold! ほんとにもう 大丈夫なの? Geez... You okay? へーき I'm fine. ほら絢もおいでよ 気持ち―よ Come join me, Aya. It feels great. でもさすがに二人だと狭くない? But this sure will be cramped. f ぴったりくっつかなきゃだし We'll be all over each other. それがいいんじゃん? All the better. ---[ 4 / 8 | Wildrose v7_0136.png ]--- s する Slide ちょっ…なに… Hey... What're you... s きゃ Pinch あ Ah! こら幸… Ah, Sachi...! っ Mm. s れる Kiss s す… Slide... だ… だめ…! N―No...! ---[ 5 / 8 | Wildrose v7_0137.png ]--- s く Rub s びくん Tremble さ…幸… Sa―Sachi... かわいい絢 You're so cute, Aya. s ちゃぷ ちゃぷ Splash Splash 水が冷たい分 In the cold water s はっは Hah Hah 絢のあったかさを感じるよ Aya's body heat warms me up. s ちゃぷちゃぷん Splash Splash ---[ 6 / 8 | Wildrose v7_0138.png ]--- s ぱしゃぱしゃ Splash Splash ねーちゃんたち Nee-chan, もう2時間も経つよ? you've been in there for two hours, you know. s ドキン Ba-thump いくらここ何年か風邪引いたことのないねーちゃんでも Even someone like you, who hasn't caught a cold their entire life, さすがに風邪引くぜ will catch a cold like that. s ぎく Gulp f ったく世話の焼ける Geez, how careless. 風邪…引いたことない? You didn't... have a cold? どういうこと? What's going on? だ…だってさ W―well, you see... 外だったらこんな風に思う存分イチャつけないじゃん? Outside we can't have fun to our heart's content, right? ---[ 7 / 8 | Wildrose v7_0139.png ]--- f 水着着てみたよ♥ Trying on my swimsuit ♥ f セクシーショット(笑) Sexy photo (lol) 絢があんば写メ送るからだよ It's 'cause you sent me that picture! 私ずっごいムラムラきちゃって I couldn't stop thinking about lewd things! …って Um, え? what's wrong? 随分前から予定立てて We had it planned for so long... 水着もそのために買ったのに… And I even bought a new swimsuit... ばか幸!死ね! Sachi, you idiot! Die! わあ Waah! まさかこんなに怒るなんて I had no idea she'd get angry over it. でもそれって So that means... 私と出掛けるのそれだけ楽しみにしててくれたってことで… she was /really/ looking forward to having a date with me. s がば Hug ごめん!悪かった絢! I'm sorry! It was terrible of me, Aya! 明日行こう!海! Let's go to the beach tomorrow! ---[ 8 / 8 | Wildrose v7_0140.png ]--- from:幸 Sachi subject:風邪ひいた Caught the cold まじごめん… Seriously, sorry... …だけど But... 今度はほんとに風邪引いたんだ… This time you really caught the cold, huh...! ごめんこんなはずでは Sorry, I can't help it. いいから寝てなさい Fine, get your rest. s ぐしゃ Rummage s ぽろ Fwoom s ぱさ Thuck あれ?なんで水着? Huh, why did you bring your swimsuit...? ちゃんとメールで風邪引いてること伝えたよね I told you in the e-mail I had a cold. s さ Grab s ピーン Click もしかしてまた仮病の方が良かったのかな? I see, you were hoping I was feigning it again, huh? そっかー案外良かったんだ昨日の Did you enjoy it that much, yesterday? またやろーね! Let's do it again, okay?! し…しらないっっ! I―I don't know what you're talking about! おわり The end