My Cute Little Kitten ch16 by Morinaga Milk translated by schuyguy Page 72 Top Text 前号までのあらすじ The Story So Far Top Panel Upper Boxes そのまま ではない That's not me anymore. 今の私は なに? What am I now? Lower Box 求められない 私は だれ? Who am I if I'm not wanted? Summary ネイリストの堤玲奈(つつも・れな) とライターの松本由奈(まつもと・ ゆな) は専門学校生時代からの同級生。 学生時代から寮のルームメイト だったということもあり、もともと 仲の良い二人は社会人後もメイト継続中。 そんなある日のこと由奈が二匹の子猫を保護し、運よく命をとり とめた方の子猫をチビと名付ける。 チビの里親問題の流れから、由奈の引っ越し提案に逆上した玲奈は、密かに隠していた由奈への恋心を勢いにのせて告白してしまうが意外にも由奈に受け入れられるという展開に。 どたばた新居生活の中、以前から玲奈が 希望していた「自宅ネイルサロン計画」二人の時間が増えるという 理由で大歓迎していた由奈だったが 今回のすれ違い事件の中、時期尚早 だったという本当の玲奈の気持ちを 知り、複雑な心境を抱える由奈だった。その悩みの本当の原因は... Manicurist Tsutusmi Rena and writer Matsumoto Yuna met as classmates at vocational school. They shared a dormroom, became good friends, and continued living together as roommates after they graduated. One day, Yuna found two kittens and named the one that luckily clung to life Chibi. After adopting Chibi, Yuna suggested moving to a new apartment, alarming Rena. On impulse, she confessed to Yuna that she had been secretly in love with her. To her surprise, Yuna accepted her feelings. Amidst their busy life after the move, Yuna had welcomed Rena's plan to start a home salon because it would increase the the time they'd spend together. But after they had trouble working together, Rena felt it was too soon. Yuna had mixed feelings after learning this. As for the true cause of her fears... Character Summaries [same thing again] ある日、由奈が拾ってきた子猫。 2人のドキドキシェアライフをよそにすくすく、すくすく...(無限大に)成長中。 いたずら、爪とぎは当たり前の活発猫ちゃん。 A kitten Yuna found one day. She's quickly growing up while completely ignorant of the dramatic romance developing around her. She's mischievous and energetic, as kittens tend to be, and often scratches the furniture. 基本的には明るい性格だがその反面1人で悩んで抱え込む壁がある。 小さくか弱そうに見えて徹夜明けに餃子やカツ丼を平らげたりの丈夫な子。 持ち前の天然パワーで玲奈をは振り回している風だが全く悪気はない。恋愛初心者さん At core a bright and cheerful person, she nontheless has a lot of private worries that she bottles up inside. Though small and apparently weak, she's a lively girl who often stays up all night working and can pack away whole plates of gyoza or katsudon. A newcomer to love, she casually (and unintentionally) strings Rena along without an ounce of ill will, as only a natural airhead can. クールキャラぶってはいるが小さな生き物に弱く助けずにいられないため、結果小動物が苦手。 そんな中、由奈が助けた子猫との暮らしが突然に始まり+由奈への感情の両方にとまどいながらもすこしずつ距離を縮めていこうと試行錯誤中 Though she puts on a cool front, she has a weakness for small animals and can't help but want to take care of them. Because of that, the sudden shock of Yuna adopting a kitten together with finding out her feelings for Yuna were reciprocated has her frazzled and confused, but she's gradually closing the distance between them through trial and error. Page 74 Top Right Panels Upper Right Bubbles ピピピ...ッ Beep-beep-beep... ピピピ...ッ Beep-beep-beep... Lower Right Bubble ん... Mm... Left Bubble ...由奈...? ... Yuna? Top Left Panel Upper Right Bubble 由奈の部屋 にもいない... She's not in her room either... Upper Left Bubble いつも履いてる靴がない... And her usual shoes are gone... Lower Bubbles 出かけた? Did she go out? こんな 早朝に? This early? Middle Panel Upper Box 何かを持っていない子は 愛されない No one can love someone who doesn't have anything. Lower Box 何も持っていない子は 必要とされない No one needs someone with nothing. Text カラッポの私は 愛されない I'm empty. I'm unloveable. Bottom Right Panel Bubble 由奈...! Yuna―! SFX ガチャッ "open' Bottom Left Panel Right Bubble ...わ! Agh! Left Bubbles ひゃっ! Wha!? ビックリ した~! You surprised me! Page 75 Top Right Panel Right Bubble どうしたの 玲奈ちゃん? What's wrong, Rena-chan? Writing ねまき で... さむくない? Aren't you cold in your pajamas? Left Bubbles ...由奈こそ どこ行ってたの こんな早く... ... What about you? Where'd you go so early? 起きたら いないから... When I woke up, you were gone... Top Left Panel Bubbles モンプチ 切れたの 思い出して I just remembered we ran out of cat treats, 買いに行ってたんだよー so I went to go get some. Middle Panel Upper Right Bubble ...心配した じゃん... 声かけてよー ... I was worried. You should've let me know. Lower Right Bubbles ごめん ごめん I'm sorry, I'm sorry. よく寝てたから You were sleeping, so... Upper Left Bubbles ついでに ワッフル 買ったの I got waffles while I was out. 朝ごはんに 食べよ We can have them for breakfast! Lower Left Bubble ちびも ごはんだよ~ Chibi, time to eaaaat... SFX ニャー "mrrreow" Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble 大丈夫なの? この間倒れてたし... Are you alright? You just collapsed the other day... Center Bubble えー Huh? それ先週 の話だよー? Come on, that was like last week. Writing もーぜんぜん 平気だよー I'm completely fine Left Bubbles 確かに元気 そうだし Well, she does seem fine. 明るい... And chipper... SFX パリッ "rip" Bottom Left Panel Bubble けど... But... SFX じっ "stare" Page 76 Top Right Panel SFX ムラッ "flush" Bubble 見つめられると... If you're gonna stare at me like that... Top Center Panel Right Bubble ...ワッフルの味... ... Tastes like waffle. Left Bubble ん... Mn... Top Left Panel SFX フニ "grope" Right Bubbles ...ノーブラ!? ... No bra!? で、外へ? She went out like that? Left Bubble ...あ... ... Ah― Middle Panel Bubbles あ... Awn... ん... Mn... SFX ふる "tremble" Bottom Right Panel Right Bubbles ...玲奈ちゃん ... Rena-chan, ...お仕事行く 時間だよね... isn't it time for you to go to work? Left Bubble ...う... Guh― Bottom Left Panel Right Bubbles ...前に戻っちゃったなー ... You're pulling back? えっちで貪欲な 由奈もよかった のに... I did like it when you the horny one... Writing やっぱりあれは 仕事の逃避 だったのね... So that really was your way of avoiding work... SFX すりすり "rub rub" Left Bubble もー 変な言わないで! Ugh, I didn't need to hear that! Page 77 Top Right Panel Right Bubble ほんと... She really does Bubble 元気で調子 良さおう だけど... seem to be doing better. 何か... But... Top Left Panel SFX バタン "shut" Bubbles ...こんな だったかな ... Are things really わかんないや okay like this? Middle Panel SFX へた "slump" Right Bubble に... ならなきゃ I... have to be Upper Box 「玲奈ちゃんが 好きだと言ってくれた私」 the version of myself Rena-chan loves. Left Bubble でも But... Lower Left Boxes 誰かに愛されたいなら If you want someone to love you 相手の望むものをあげないといけない you have to give your partner what they want. ???