My Cute Little Kitten ch15 by Morinaga Milk translated by schuyguy Page 34 Top Text 前号までのあらすじ The Story So Far Top Panel Right Boxes 玲奈ちゃんの 自宅サロンが オープンしたら And what about our shared dream 一緒にいられる 時間が増えて それが that Rena-chan would open a home salon Left Box 私達の 夢 so we could spend more time together? Bubble …大丈夫 うまくいくよ ... Don't worry. It'll go great. Middle Panel Right Bubbles 支店長でも 在宅サロンでも As a branch manager, or running a home salon, 玲奈ちゃんの 選んだ道を whatever path you choose, Box なんて It never was. Summary ネイリストの堤玲奈(つつみ・れな) とライターの松本由奈(まつもと・ゆな)は専門学校生時代からの同級生。学生時代から寮のルームメイト だったということもあり、もともと仲の良い二人は社会人後もメイト継続中。そんなある日のこと由奈が二匹の子猫を保護し、運よく命をとりとめた方の子猫をチビと名づける。 チビの里親問題の流れから、由奈の引っ越し提案に逆上した玲奈は、密かに隠していた由奈への恋心を勢いにのせて告白してしまうが意外にも由奈に受け入れられるという展開に。 どたばた新居生活の中、以前から玲奈が 希望していた「自宅ネイルサロン計画」二人の時間が増えるという 理由で大歓迎していた由奈だったが 今回のすれ違い事件の中、時期尚早 だったという本当の玲奈の気持ちを 知り、複雑な心境を抱える由奈だった。 Manicurist Tsutusmi Rena and writer Matsumoto Yuna met as classmates at vocational school. They shared a dormroom, became good friends, and continued living together as roommates after they graduated. One day, Yuna found two kittens and named the one that luckily clung to life Chibi. After adopting Chibi, Yuna suggested moving to a new apartment, alarming Rena. On impulse, she confessed to Yuna that she had been secretly in love with her. To her surprise, Yuna accepted her feelings. Amidst their busy life after the move, Yuna had welcomed Rena's plan to start a home salon because it would increase the the time they'd spend together. But after they had trouble working together, Rena felt it was too soon. Yuna had mixed feelings after learning this. Character Summaries [same thing again] ある日、由奈が拾ってきた子猫。 2人のドキドキシェアライフをよそにすくすく、すくすく...(無限大に)成長中。 いたずら、爪とぎは当たり前の活発猫ちゃん。 A kitten Yuna found one day. She's quickly growing up while completely ignorant of the dramatic romance developing around her. She's mischievous and energetic, as kittens tend to be, and often scratches the furniture. 基本的には明るい性格だがその反面1人で悩んで抱え込む壁がある。 小さくか弱そうに見えて徹夜明けに餃子やカツ丼を平らげたりの丈夫な子。 持ち前の天然パワーで玲奈をは振り回している風だが全く悪気はない。恋愛初心者さん At core a bright and cheerful person, she nontheless has a lot of private worries that she bottles up inside. Though small and apparently weak, she's a lively girl who often stays up all night working and can pack away whole plates of gyoza or katsudon. A newcomer to love, she casually (and unintentionally) strings Rena along without an ounce of ill will, as only a natural airhead can. クールキャラぶってはいるが小さな生き物に弱く助けずにいられないため、結果小動物が苦手。 そんな中、由奈が助けた子猫との暮らしが突然に始まり+由奈への感情の両方にとまどいながらもすこしずつ距離を縮めていこうと試行錯誤中 Though she puts on a cool front, she has a weakness for small animals and can't help but want to take care of them. Because of that, the sudden shock of Yuna adopting a kitten together with finding out her feelings for Yuna were reciprocated has her frazzled and confused, but she's gradually closing the distance between them through trial and error. Page 36 Upper Top Panel Box 寝ても 覚めても Day and night, Right Bubble ピピ… Beep-beep― Left Bubbles ピピピッ Beep-beep-beep― ピピピッ Beep-beep-beep― Lower Top Panel Bubble ん… Mn... Upper Box してるのに We have sex. Lower Box 前よりずっと…なのに We're having more sex than ever. And yet... Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble あ… Ah... Left Bubbles …おはよ Good morning, れなちゃん… Rena-chan... Upper Box しても しても No matter how much we do it, Lower Box 足りない気がする it feels like it's never enough. Bottom Center Panel Right Bubbles おはよ… Good morning, ゆ… Yu― Left Bubble ん… Mn― Bottom Left Panel SFX ちゅ ちゅ ちゅ "mch ch smooch" Bubble ん… Mm... Page 37 Top Right Panel Right Bubble あ… Ah― Left Bubble は… Hah... Top Center Panel Bubbles …待って Wait― …時間… The time― Top Left Panel Bubbles …仕事、 You'll make me 行きたく なくなっちゃうよ… want to skip work. Writing もー Ugggh... Middle Panel Bubbles だったら… In that case― Bottom Panel SFX ムギュッ "squeeze" Page 38 Top Right Panel Right Bubble …ちび… Chibi... SFX ゴロゴロ ゴロゴロ ゴロ… "prr prr prrrr" Left Bubble 自分も撫でてくれって She's saying "pet me too". Top Left Panel Upper Bubbles うわー 毛まみれー Ugh... I'm covered in fur. シャワー 浴びてくる I'm going to take a shower. SFX ギシッ "creak" Lower Bubbles えっ… Huh? 私も 一緒に… I'll come get in― Middle Right Panel SFX のしっ "stretch" Bubble シャワー… with you... Bottom Right Panel SFX ゴロゴロゴロ "prrrr" ゴロゴロ ゴロゴロ "prrprrr" Right Writing もー Sheesh... Left Writing でも かわいい… But you are cute. Bottom Left Panels Upper Box いくらしても し足りない No matter how much we do it, it isn't enough. Lower Box 求められていないと If she didn't want me... Page 39 Top Right Pane Text 寒くて 大きな穴に I feel like I'd fall 落ちそうになる into a deep, frozen pit. Upper Top Left Panel Bubble …ち、 ... Ch― SFX ぞく "shiver" Lower Top Left Panel SFX がし "grab" Bubble ちびっ… Chibi! Middle Left Panel Right Bubbles ちびの ごろごろ 聞くと少し When I listen to Chibi purr, 安心 できる… it calms me, a little. Left Bubble アルファ波 出るって記事 書いたっけ… Didn't I write an article about how purring makes alpha waves... SFX ぎゅっ "hug" ゴロゴロゴロ "prrrr" Bottom Right Panel Boxes 仕事なんて 行かないで "You don't have to go to work." とか If I said that... Bottom Left Panel Boxes やっぱ家で サロン開けば? Or, "Maybe you should open your home salon after all?" とか Then... Page 40 Top Right Panel Boxes 言ったら… I wonder どんな顔 するのかな… how she'd react...? Upper Bubbles って… No... …重い… that's so clingy. 我ながら 重くてやばい 女だわ.。。 Even I know that'd be super clingy. Lower Bubble 仕事しよ… I should get to work. Upper Top Left Panel Bubble ちびー! Chibi! SFX バタ バタ "hurry" Lower Top Left Panel Right Bubble ちびー 早くー! Chibi, hurry up! SFX プル プル プル "mad" Left Bubble 仕事 ですよー! It's time to work! Bottom Right panel Bubble …よし、 ... Alright, Writing ねこをひざに セット Cat on my lap, all set Box ちびの しごと Chibi's job. Bottom Center Panel Bubbles メールチェックして… Let's see, emails... 2本納品! Two articles due! Boxes 仕事は順調 Work's going okay. だって 一分一秒無駄 にしたくない I mean, I don't want to waste a minute. Writing がんばるぞー Let's do it! Bottom Left Panel Bubbles 玲奈ちゃん が帰ったら I want to be with Rena-chan 一分一秒 離れたくない every second she's home. Page 41 Top Right Panel Boxes 言われた通りの ものを書けば いいだけ I just need to write what I'm told. 誰にでも 書ける記事 だけど An article anyone could write. Top Center Panel Boxes 毎日定時に 出勤とか私に は無理だし Showing up to work everyday on time is impossible for me. この仕事に つけて よかった I'm lucky to have this job. Bubble 成り行き だったけど… Even though I sorta fell into it. SFX カチャ カチャカチャ カチャ "clack clack clack" Top Left Panel Box 卒業後少しだけ バイトしてた 小さい出版社で After graduating I worked part time at a small publisher for a little while. Right Bubble 松本さん、 それもう 終わりそう? Matsumoto-san, you almost done with that? Left Bubble あ、はい これで最後です Oh, yes, this is the last of it. Middle Panel Right Bubble そしたらこの雑誌の 星占いコーナー 書いてくれない? Then after that, could you write the horoscope column for this magazine? Center Right Bubbles え…? Huh...? 文字起こし ですか? You mean, like transcribe a recording? Center Left Bubbles 違う違う 内容よ No, no, I mean write the content. 今日のあなたの ラッキーカラー は~とか Talk about the day's lucky color or whatever. SFX は? "Huh?" Left Bubble 私星占いは 出来ませんが…? But I can't do a horoscope...? Bottom Right Panel Right Bubbles テキトーで いいよー You can just write whatever. うちの雑誌の 星占い全部俺が 書いてるんだもん I write all the horoscope stuff for our magazine. SFX ええっ "huhhh?" Left Bubbles 編集長が!? But you're the editor in chief!? 占い師さんに 依頼してるんじゃ ないんですか? You don't get an astrologer to do that? Bottom Left panel Right Bubbles そんな予算 ないよー We don't have the budget for that. あ、これ 俺の占い グッズあげる Oh, this is what I use. Writing はい Here SFX コロン "roll" Pencil 大吉 ネコ がさ あか 中吉 とり シュシュ きいろ great luck /cat / umbrella / red good luck /bird / scrunchie / yellow Left Bubble …?! What!? Page 42 Top Right Panel Right Bubbles 埋まってれば いいから It'd be great if you could fill it out. 前の号参考に して明日まで によろしく So look over the previous issues. You have until tomorrow, thanks. SFX どさどさ "thud" Left Bubble えええーー Huhhh!? Writing 私バイトですよ!? But I'm just a part-timer! Top Center Panel Right Bubbles この間の星占い 読んだよー 面白かったわ I read your horoscope. It was intersting. こっちも 頼むね Please take care of this one too. Right Writing いいかんじに まとめといてー Wrap it up with something that feels nice. Left Bubble ええー Huh? Left Writing 私バイトですよ I'm just a part timer... Top Left Panel Right Bubbles これとこれ 取材行って 埋めといてー Get the information for these and fill them out. このリストに 電話して集計 とってね Call up the people on this list and summarize the results, alright? Left Bubble 昨日頼んだ やつまだ? Got that article I asked you for yesterday? Writing えええー Huhhh!? 私バイトですよ!? I'm just a part-timer!! Middle Panel Right Bubble 酷い 編集部だった… Such a cruel editorial department... Center Bubble でも… But... Writing あのざっしも なくなっちゃった けど… Though the magazine did go out of business Left Bubbles 最初のあの 星占いは 楽しかったな Writing that first horoscope was pretty fun. …星占い 勉強したり… Studying old horoscopes and everything. Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble 当たらないけど おもしろいって アンケート貰ったり… I got a lot wrong, but the reader surveys said they were interesting. Left Bubbles それに Plus 玲奈ちゃんが 大ウケ してくれて Rena-chan really loved it. SFX ふふ "fufu" Bottom Left Panel Writing いて座 ひさんすぎるでしょー Don't you think your Sagittarius is too tragic? Text 由奈ってこんな 才能があった んだねー Yuna, you've got a real talent for this. Page 43 Top Right Panel Boxes …でも「才能」 じゃなくていい ... But it's better being untalented. 「普通」がいい Normal is good. Top Center Panel Boxes 「才能がある子」にはなれず I couldn't become someone with talent, 「いらない子」 だったけど so I ended up someone useless. SFX ピョピョピョ ピョピョピョ "ring-ring-ring" "ring-ring-ring" Top Left Panel Upper Bubbles う… Ugh... 苦手なクライアントさん… It's that client I can't handle. SFX すーはー "huuuh-haaah" ピョピョピョ "ring-ring-ring" Lower Bubble …私は 会社人… 大人… I'm a grown woman... this is my job... SFX ぶう ぶう "vrrt vrrt"" Bottom Right Panel Right Bubbles こんにちは~ お疲れ様です~! Hello! How are you today? ちょうどご連絡 しようと思ってたんですよ~! I was just about to call you! SFX パアア "bright" Left Bubble 先日は有難うございました! Thank you so much for last week! Upper Bottom Left Panel Upper Right Bubbles ハイ、 ハイ~! Yup, okay! あっこの間の ですか? Oh, the one from the other day? そんなー 恐れ入りますー No. It wasn't anything special. Upper Left Bubbles ですよねー あはは Oh, of course. Hahaha. はい! 大丈夫です! Yup! It's fine! SFX ちゃき ちゃき "chipper" Boxes 「普通の人」を 演じれば But I can act like a normal person. やっていける That I can do. Lower Left Bubble はい! 是非とも宜しく お願い致します~! Alright! Absolutely, thank you so much! Lower Bottom Left Panel Text 子供の頃から 演技は得意だった Ever since I was a child, I've always been good at acting. Page 44 Top Right Panel Right Box だから …大丈夫 So... I'm okay. Left Box まだ大丈夫 だから I'm still okay. SFX そわ そわ "fidget" Top Center Panel SFX ガチャン "click" パタパタ "footsteps" パッ "jump" Top Left Panel Right Boxes はやく Hurry 戻ってきて and come back to me. SFX ガチャ "open" Bubble ただいまー 食パン6枚切り しかなくて… I'm home! We only had six slices of bread, so― Left Box はやく Hurry. Middle Panel Boxes キスして 抱きしめて Kiss me, hold me... もっと求めて 朝までずっと Want me. Bottom Panel Box 言葉や約束なんかなくても 安心できる Until tomorrow, there's no need for words or promises, I can feel at ease Page 45 Top Right Panel Right Bubbles …さん… -San? 玲奈さーん… Rena-saaan? Left Bubble 休憩終わり ですよー Break's over. SFX うと うと "nod nod" Top Left Panel Right Bubbles …はっ Ah! ご、 ごめん! S―Sorry! Center Bubble 予約のお客様 来ちゃった? Is my next appointment here? Left Bubble まだですー Not yet. Middle Left Panel Upper Right Bubbles 大丈夫 ですかー? Are you okay? 最近お疲れですね You've been tired lately, huh? Upper Left Bubbles 最近 寝不足で… I just haven't been getting enough sleep... 連日 連夜… Day after day, night after, Lower Bubbles 充実しすぎちゃって… I'm living a very full life... (夜の生活が) (sexually) Bottom Panels Right Bubble あ… 支店の件で ですか? Oh, you mean with the new store? Center Bubble え? Huh? Left Bubbles 聞きましたよー I heard all about it. 今度出す支店の 店長、玲奈さんなんですよね You're going to manage the place, right? Page 46 Top Right Panel Writing おめでとう ございます Congratulations! Upper Bubbles いつ頃オープン するかもう決まってるんですか? Do know when it's going to be opened yet? スタッフの募集 ありますよね? 友達がちょうど… You're going to have to recruit staff, right? I have a friend who'd be perfect― Lower Bubble いやいや、 まってまって Wait, wait, hold on. Upper Top Left Panel Right Bubbles 全然まだ… Nothing's certain yet― っていうか 私が店長って 決まってないよ I mean, I'm not even sure I'll be the running it. Center Bubble えー そうなん ですか? Huh? Oh, reallY? Left Bubbles …て、 ... Well, 店長から 聞いたの? did you hear that from the manager? Lower Top Left Panel Right Bubbles いえ… でも玲奈ちゃん以外 いないですしー No... but who else could it be besides you? みんな喜んでますよ Everyone's so happy for you. SFX カランコラン "ring-a-ling" Left Bubble あっ Oh いらっしゃいませー Welcome! Middle Panel Right Bubbles 都内のネイルサロンは 飽和状態で Tokyo is already full of nail salons. 開業資金が少なくて 済む自宅サロン だとしても Even though I wouldn't need much start up capital to open a home salon, Left Bubble 場所選べない分 更に集客が難しい 事は予想できる。 I imagine attracting customers will be made all the harder by the fact that I can't choose the location. Bottom Right Panel Bubble 開業独立に拘らず 支店の話を 受けるべき…? Should I just let go of this obsession with opening my own business and go along with this branch location plan? Bottom Left Panel Bubble ただいま… I'm home― Page 47 Top Panel Bubble 由奈!? Yuna!? Middle Panel Right Bubble 由奈 大丈夫!? Yuna, are you alright!? Left Bubble どうしたの!? What happened!? Bottom Right Panel Bubbles あ… Oh... 玲奈ちゃん… Rena-chan? おかえりー Welcome home. Bottom Center Panel Right Bubble 待ってたから 寝ちゃった… I guess I fell asleep waiting for you... Left Bubbles ちょっとー Hey! びっくりしたじゃん! You surprised me! こんな寒い 所で… It must be cold here... SFX ふあ "yaaawn" Bottom Panel Bubbles お風呂入れてあるから… I've already drawn a bath, 一緒に 入ろ…? do you want get in together? Page 48 Top Right Panel Bubbles … 由奈、 Yuna, Top Left Panel Right Bubbles 私後でいいから ゆっくり温まってきて? I'm fine taking one later, why don't you go ahead and relax? 由奈 顔色悪いよ You don't look so good. Left Bubble 今日は… しないで 早く寝よ? Why don't we just... skip the sex and go to sleep early tonight? Upper Middle Panel Bubble 私も最近 寝不足だし… I've been pretty sleep deprived lately too... Lower Middle Panel Bubble …それって… ... Are you saying Bottom Panel Right Bubbles …私と、 you don't もう… want Left Bubble したくない ってこと…? to do it with me anymore...? Page 49 Top Right Panel Bubble 由奈…? Yuna...? Top Center Panel SFX はっ "gasp" Top Left Panel Box 演技は得意なんだ Acting is my strong suit after all. Bubbles …な、 なーんて… Uh― 冗談だよ~ も~! Just kidding, haha! SFX ぱっ "grin" Middle Panel Upper Right Bubbles そうだよね、寝不足は美容 の敵だしね! That's right, gotta have your beauty sleep! 今日はふつー に寝よっか Let's just go straight to sleep today! Lower Right Bubble …大丈夫? ほんと顔色 悪いよ ... Are you okay? You really look pale. Upper Boxes お酒に酔ってる時と似てる感覚 My head is spinning, ぐらぐらする脳みそで almost like I'm drunk. Lower Boxes 酔ってないフリ I just have to act like my normal self, 普段の私を真似て 演じる pretend like I feel fine. Left Bubbles あーちょっと 私も寝不足だなー Yeah, I might be a little sleep deprived myself. 最近整体も 行ってないし 肩こり酷くて I haven't been doing my massages lately either, my shoulders are killing me. Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble じゃあお言葉に 甘えて先に 入っちゃうねー Well, I'll take you up on that and go in first. Writing ただいまー ちび Oh Chibi, I'm home Upper Left Bubble 入浴剤入れちゃっていい? Okay if I throw in some bath salts? Lower Left Bubble Whatever you like. Bottom Left Panels Text …何で私 玲奈ちゃんの前で 演技してるんだろ? ... Why did I feel the need to put on an act for Rena-chan? Bubble …そっか ... Ohhh. Page 50 Top Panel Right Boxes カラッポ だからだ It's because I'm empty inside. 私の持ってる ものは全部差し出してしまって I offered up everything I have, Center Box そのままで そこにいる だけでいいって and Rena-chan said she just wanted me, Left Box 玲奈ちゃん は言ってくれたのに… that just having me by her side is enough... Middle Panels Right Box 玲奈ちゃんが 好きになってくれた私 Rena-chan said she liked me. Bubbles 私は… But... どんな だっけ what about me? Left Box 「そのまま の私」 "Just me"... Bottom Panel Upper Boxes そのまま ではない That's not me anymore. 今の私は なに? What am I now? Lower Box 求められない 私は だれ? Who am I if I'm not wanted? END