My Cute Little Kitten chapter 14 by Morinaga Milk translated by schuyguy Page 30 Top Text 前号までのあらすじ The Story So Far [Panels from Chapter 13 Page 57] Upper Panel Right Bubbles 玲奈ちゃん が... Rena-chan, you— 店長さんと... ご飯食べに 行ったの... You went out and had dinner... with your boss. Left Bubbles きっと大丈夫だ It'll be okay. 玲奈ちゃんの自宅サロンがオープンしたら Once Rena-chan opens her home salon... Lower Panel Center Bubbles 隠したり するから... You were hiding it from me, 私... so I... Left Bubbles え...? Huh...? あ... 先週の...? Oh—last week...? SFX はっ "gasp" Summary ネイリストの堤玲奈(つつみ・れな) とライターの松本由奈(まつもと・ゆな)は専門学校生時代からの同級生。学生時代から寮のルームメイト だったということもあり、もともと仲の良い二人は社会人後もメイト継続中。そんなある日のこと由奈が二匹の子猫を保護し、運よく命をとりとめた方の子猫をチビと名づける。 チビの里親問題の流れから、由奈の引っ越し提案に逆上した玲奈は、密かに隠していた由奈への恋心を勢いにのせて告白してしまうが意外にも由奈に受け入れられるという展開に。 どたばた新居生活の中、チビの不妊手術も無事に終わりこれで一安心かと思いきや、次は暇を持て余している由奈と激務の玲奈の間にすれ違いが生じてしまう。 ふとしたきっかけで玲奈の浮気を疑う由奈だったが、それは単なる早合点に終わり…。 Manicurist Tsutusmi Rena and writer Matsumoto Yuna met as classmates at vocational school. They shared a dormroom, became good friends, and continued living together as roommates after they graduated. One day, Yuna saved two kittens and named the one that luckily clung to life Chibi. After adopting Chibi, Yuna suggested moving to a new apartment, alarming Rena. On impulse, she confessed to Yuna that she had been secretly in love with her. To her surprise, Yuna accepted her feelings. Amidst their busy life after the move, they finally had Chibi sterilized. They thought they'd have some peace of mind, but with Rena constantly working and Yuna having more free time than she knew what to do with, they less saw less and less of each other. After a coincidental encounter, Yuna began to suspect Rena of having an affair, but it ended up being a simple misunderstanding. ??? Character Summaries [same thing again] ある日、由奈が拾ってきた子猫。 2人のドキドキシェアライフをよそにすくすく、すくすく...(無限大に)成長中。 いたずら、爪とぎは当たり前の活発猫ちゃん。 A kitten Yuna found one day. She's quickly growing up while completely ignorant of the dramatic romance developing around her. As kittens tend to be, she is mischievous and energetic, and often scratches the furniture. 基本的には明るい性格だがその反面1人で悩んで抱え込む壁がある。 小さくか弱そうに見えて徹夜明けに餃子やカツ丼を平らげたりの丈夫な子。 持ち前の天然パワーで玲奈をは振り回している風だが全く悪気はない。恋愛初心者さん At core a bright and cheerful person, she nontheless has a lot of private worries that she bottles up inside. Though small and apparently weak, she's a lively girl who often stays up all night working and can pack away whole plates of gyoza or katsudon. She casually (and unintentionally) strings Rena along, without an ounce of ill will, as only a natural airhead can. A newcomer to love. クールキャラぶってはいるが小さな生き物に弱く助けずにいられないため、結果小動物が苦手。 そんな中、由奈が助けた子猫との暮らしが突然に始まり+由奈への感情の両方にとまどいながらもすこしずつ距離を縮めていこうと試行錯誤中 Though she puts on a cool front, she has a weakness for small animals and can't help but want to take care of them. Because of that, the sudden shock of Yuna adopting a kitten together with finding out her feelings for Yuna were reciprocated has her frazzled and confused, but she's gradually closing the distance between them, often through trial and error. Page 32 Top Right Panel Upper Bubbles 実は… The truth is, まだ先だけど お店の支店出す 話がって… it's still a while away, but... my boss has been talking about opening another location. Lower Bubble 支店長やって みないかって 言われてて And she's asked me to manage it. Top Left Panel Right Bubbles えっ Huh!? 店長…!? 玲奈ちゃんの お店ってこと!? Manage it!? You'd have your own shop!? それって… パトロン的な… That means... you'd be a proprietor... Right Writing いきなり?! So soon!? Upper Left Bubbles 違う違う! 雇われ店長 だよ~ No, no! I'd still be working for her! それで最近 勉強会とか 候補地物件の見学 とか付き合ってて… And well, that's why I've been going to classes and going out to scout locations with her lately. Upper Center Writing 何だパトロンって… Also, what the heck, "proprietor"...? Lower Center Writing なりゆきで… And so, well, Lower Left Bubble あ、あの日しか 内見できない物件 があって… Th-There was a place we couldn't go see any other day... Middle Panel Right Bubble 帰りに夕飯を… ドタキャンしといて… ごめんなさい… So I'm sorry... for cancelling our dinner plans at the last minute. Left Bubbles え… Huh? ま、まって あのさ… W-Wait a minute. So you're saying... Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble 支店長になるから 自宅サロンは なしって事? You won't be opening your home salon because you're becoming a branch manager instead? Left Bubbles だって 玲奈ちゃん… But Rena-chan... 独立して自分の お店開く夢は? what about your dream of having your own salon? Bottom Left Panel Boxes それは By now, 今では私の夢か 希望みたいな ものになってた that had become something like my dream or wish. Page 33 Top Right Panel Right Bubble 独立を諦めた 訳じゃないよ? It's not like I've given up on going independent. Upper Center Bubble でも自宅サロンは 今はちょっと難しいかなって… But I think it'd be a little difficult to start a home salon right now... Lower Center Bubbles えっ 何で? Huh? Why? お試しで 玲奈ちゃんの 友達来た時は When your friend came over for a trial run, Lower Left Bubble うまく行ったよね? I thought it went pretty well? Top Left Panel Upper Bubble …うまく 行ったかな… ... It did? Lower Bubble あ、あれは チビを入れた 私が悪くて… W-Well, letting Chibi in was my bad... SFX ギャー "Rrreow!" キー "shriek" Bottom Right Panel Bubbles …ありがとね あの時は… ... I'm grateful. 準備手伝って くれて嬉しかった I was really glad you helped me prepare. 由奈は… 自宅サロン嫌 かなって少し 思ってたから… I sort of thought that... you didn't want me to open a home salon. SFX ぎく "urk" Upper Bottom Left Panel Right Bubbles え… そんな… Huh? I― 反対 なんて… I'd never stand in your way. Writing するわけ ないよ How could I? Center Bubble 玲奈ちゃんの 夢をこんなに 応援してるのにー Of course I support your dream. Left Bubbles …う Ugh― 本当は… though actually... 最初に聞いた 時は嫌だった… when she first told me, I hated the idea. Lower Bottom Left Panel Right Bubbles うん… あんなに Yeah... 応援して くれたのに… you've supported me so much. Left Bubbles 今更迷ってるとか… That's what made it so hard to tell you 由奈に言いづらくて… that now I'm so sure anymore... Page 34 Top Right Panel Box 「迷ってる」 "Not sure"... SFX ポツ ポツ "drip drip" Bubble まだやめるって 決まった訳じゃないんだ… So she hasn't completely decided if she's giving it up? Top Center Panel Right Bubble …やだ…! 降って来ちゃったー ... Oh no! It's really coming down. Left Bubble とりあえず 家帰らない? Let's home and talk about this later? SFX サア… "fsshh" Top Left Panel Upper Box なんで 迷うの But why is she unsure? Lower Boxes 玲奈ちゃんの This was Rena-chan's― 私たちの 夢だったのに no, it's our dream. SFX ザア "ssshhh" Middle Panelk Right Bubbles びしょ びしょー! I'm soaked! PC大丈夫? Your laptop okay? Center Bubble うん多分… Yeah, probably... Left Bubble タオル 持って来る! 待ってて、 I'll go get towels! You wait here. Bottom Panel Right Boxes まだ 無くして はいなかった I still haven't lost her. 玲奈ちゃんは 変わってなかった Rena-chan hasn't changed. Right Bubble …で でもさ、 H―Hey, you know, Left Box そう思えた 所だったのに Even though I almost believed she had. Left Bubbles 由奈もあの時 いたなんて… when you saw us that night, 声かけてくれれば よかったのに you should've called out to me. Page 35 Top Right Panel Right Bubble …仕事だと 思ったから… ... I thought you were there for work. Left Bubble …う、いや し、仕事 だったんだけど… Uh―Well, yeah, I was, but... Upper Top Left Panel Right Bubbles 嘘ついたのは ほんと謝る…! I'm, really, really sorry for lying to you! けど店長と 浮気とかあり えないから! But you know, there's no way I'd cheat on you with my boss! Left Bubble てか他の人 とだって ないから! Or anyone else, either! Lower Top Left Panel Upper Box …息が苦しい ... It hurts to breathe. Bubbles あは… それは… Haha... Yeah. もう疑って ないよ… I don't doubt you anymore... Boxes 不安と This anxiety, 焦燥感 and unease... Bottom Right Panel Upper Right Bubbles そっか… えっと… Oh. Umm... よ、よかった… Th―That's good... Upper Left Bubble あっ Oh シャワー浴びる? 冷えたでしょ Do you want to take a shower? Since we got cold. Lower Bubbles あ…そんな 時間ないか。 Oh... maybe you don't have the time? 仕事やばいんだっけ? Since you're in a tought spot with work? コーヒー 入れて くるから… I could make some coffee... Box 寒い… I'm cold... Bottom Left Panel Bubble え… Huh...? Page 36 Top Right Panel Right Bubbles ゆ、 Y― ゆな? Yuna? Left Bubbles 一緒に はいる Let's take one together. 寒いから I'm cold. Top Left Panel Upper Bubbles えっ お風呂? Huh? A bath? あ、じゃあ ダッシュで 洗濯物しまってくるわ! Oh, then I'll hurry up take the laundry in! Lower Bubble そんなの いいよ Forget about that. Bottom Right Panel Upper Bubble えっ Huh? Lower Bubble 屋根あるし 大丈夫でしょ? We've got a roof over the balconey. It should be fine. Bottom Center Panel Bubble ん… Mn― Bottom Left Panel Upper Right Bubble ど… Wh― Lower Right Bubble どうしちゃったのこんな 積極的な由奈… What's gotten into Yuna to make her so assertive...? Lower Left Bubbles …し、仕事は いいの? ... I―Is she okay with work? 仕事がやばい あまりの… Maybe it's gotten really bad, 現実逃避 and she's just running away? Page 37 Top Right Panels Bubbles 玲奈ちゃんの 心臓の音 Rena-chan's heartbeat 凄い早い… is super fast... Top Left Panel Upper Bubble え…な、 何…? Uh―What? Lower Bubble ちょっ Wait― Bottom Right Panel Bubbles …何って What do you mean, "What"? …玲奈ちゃん がいつも ... You're always Boxes こんな 玲奈ちゃん It's the first time I've seen 初めて見た this side of her. Bottom Left Panel Bubble してくれる 事だよ… doing this for me... Page 38 Top Panels Right Bubble ちょっ Wait― Center Bubbles ま、 まって、 H―Hold on, シャワー 浴びてから… let me shower first― Left Bubbles …何言ってるの What are you saying? 玲奈ちゃん だっていつも… Rena-chan, you never wait for me to... Middle Panel Bubbles ま、 マジで… S―seriously...? 嘘でしょ No way. Bottom Panel Bubbles ん… Mn― あ… Ah... Right Boxes 荒くなる Her breath's 玲奈ちゃん の呼吸 growing heavy. Left box 震える指先 Her fingers trembling. Page 39 Top Panel Right Bubbles あ…っ Ah... あ Ah― あ Ah! Box 初めて聞く 声 I've never heard her like this. Middle Panel Boxes 私と指と 唇で Her body's melting とろける 玲奈ちゃんの体 beneat my fingers and lips. Text その 快感で 興奮で Through that arousal, that pleasure, Bottom Panel Text 不安は 一瞬 消し飛んだ my anxiety flew away in an instant. Page 40 Top Right Panel SFX ジュー "sizzle" Bubble ピピピピッ Beep-beep-beep-beep Top Center Panel Bubbles ピピピピッ Beep-beep-beep-beep ピピピピッ beep-beep-beep-beep SFX ポー "stare" はっ "gasp" Top Left Panel Right Bubbles 何のタイマー だっけ… What was that timer for again...? えと… Umm... Upper Left Bubbles 醤油… Did I already 入れたっけ? put the soy sauce in? SFX ニャアアア "mrrreow" Middle Left Bubble あ… チビ、 Oh... Chibi. Lower Bubble ちょっと 待ってね… Just a second... Middle Panel Bubble はいご飯 … Here, your dinner... Bottom Right Panel SFX ニャアアアオ "mrrrreow!" Right Bubble 頭が働かない… My brain isn't working... SFX はあ "sigh" Left Bubbles だって まじで? But... seriously? あんな… 由奈が… Yuna... did that... Bottom Left Panel Right Bubbles 夢かな… Maybe it was a dream...? 夢だった 気も… It feels like a dream... SFX ニャアアオオアア "Mrreeooow!" Writing しあわせ すぎて… I'm too happy... Left Bubbles いつもの 妄想…? Just my usual daydreams...? 私死ぬ のかな… チビ… Maybe I'm dying... Chibi... SFX ぎゅー "hug" Page 41 Top Right Panel SFX ガチャ "open" Upper Bubbles あ、 Oh, ゆ、 ゆな…! Y―Yuna! SFX はっ "gasp" ん~ "Mmmn" Middle Bubble 今夕飯声かけ ようと思って たの、 I was just planning on calling you for dinner. Lower Bubble 部屋で 食べる? Do you want to eat in your room? Top Center Panel Right Bubble ううん、 終わったから 一緒に食べる No, I'm finished. We can eat together. SFX えっ "huh?" えっ仕事 終わったの? Huh? You're done with your work? Top Left Panel Writing おわった おわった Done, and done! Upper Bubbles うん、一本 納品できたー Yup, delivered a draft. 何か頭すっき りして仕事 進んじゃったー My head suddenly felt so clear, I just powered through it. Lower Bubble そ、 そうなんだ… O―Oh, I see... Middle Panel Upper Right Bubble お疲れ様 すごいね… Good work. That's incredible... Lower Right Bubble よく仕事 できるな She can work so well... SFX かああ "flush" Left Bubbles あ Oh. あんな のの後で… Afterwards... お風呂まで 入って… we could even take a bath... Bottom Panel Right Bubble お風呂で また… and do it again in the bath... Writing いい匂い Smells good Upper Left Bubbles 夕飯何? わー餃子! 中華? What's for dinner? Yay, Gyouza! So Chinese? 野菜炒め… Stir-fry vegetables, と… トースト? and... toast? え? Huh? Lower Left Bubble …頭働かなくて… ... My brain isn't working. Page 42 Top Right Panel Far Right Bubble …あ、 あのさ… ... Uh, Umm, so... Center Right Bubble ん? Hm? Center Left Bubble …有給終わったってこと なのかな… Does that mean your vacation is over...? Far Left bubbles 有給? Vacation? 誰の? Whose? Writing あけてもらった She opened the can ガツガツ gobble Top Left Panel Right Bubbles え? ほら… Huh? You know... あけたら 言うから って… You said you'd tell me when it was over. Left Bubble えっちの… 有給… Your vacation... from sex... Middle Panel Left Box あ Ah. Text ・・・思い出した・・・ ... Now I remember... Right Boxes そうだ あの日… That's right. That night, あんまり 玲奈ちゃん がしつこくて… Rena-chan was being way too pushy... Bubble ねーもう… 眠い… Hey, enough, I'm tired... Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble 由奈は寝てていいよー You can go ahead and sleep. Center Bubble …寝れないって… ... I can't sleep like this. Left Bubble んーじゃあ 寝なくていいんじゃない? Hmm, then why don't we stay up? SFX ちゅ ちゅ "smooch kiss" イラッ "pissed" Upper Bottom Left Panel Right Bubbles …ごめん ちょっと… I'm sorry. Let's... お休み とるわ… take a little rest. SFX ぐぐぐぐ "shove" Center Right Bubble え? 寝ちゃう? Huh? You're going to sleep? Center Left Bubbles ちがう No. 何日か えっち 休みます… We won't have sex for a few days. Lower Left Bubble え?な、 何日か? Huh? A―A few days? Middle Bottom Left Panel Right Bubbles なし? None? …ち、ちびの 手術の時 くらい…? L―Like for as long as when Chibi had her operation? Writing ってこと?!また?! Is that what you mean!? Again!? SFX もぞ もぞ "snuggle" Left Bubbles あー いいね… うん、 Oh, yeah, sounds good. …有給って事で… Call it... vacation days. Lower Bottom Left Panel Right Bubbles 有給取得? Paid vacation? えっち の?! From sex!? Left Bubble あけたら お知らせ します… I'll let you know when it runs out. SFX すやあ "zzz" Page 43 Top Panel Right Right Bubble …もしかして 忘れてた Wait... did you... forget? Center Right Bubbles …ま、 まさかー… ... O―Of course not. ふふふ Fufufu. SFX もぐ もぐ もぐ "nom nom nom" Center Left Bubble うん 有給 もう終わり Yup. Vacation's over. Text …セックスレスは… So I'm the reason 自分のせいだった… we weren't having sex... Far Left Bubble 太った せいじゃ なかった… It wasn't because I got fat. Middle Panel Right Bubble 色々悩んで… バカみたい… And I got so worried about it... like an idiot. Center Bubbles …よかった… ... Good. …よかった …よね… That's good... right? Left Bubbles 避けられてた訳でも It wasn't because she was avoiding me 浮気でも なかったんだから or cheating on me. Bottom Right Panel Upper Boxes …喜んでいいはず ... I should be happy. なのに And yet, Writing よかった… "thank god" Lower Box さっきと 同じだ I'm the same as before. Bottom Center Panel Box うまく息が できない I can hardly breathe. Bubble 玲奈ちゃん… さっきの話… Rena-chan... earlier, you said Bottom Left Panel Bubbles …自宅 サロン… You're unsure about the idea 自体を 迷ってるの? of opening a home salon? Page 44 Top Right Panel Right Box この時までは まだ説得する 気でいた Up until this moment, I believed I could still persuade her. Bubbles 自宅サロンなら すぐにでも始められる と思ってたんだけど… I thought I'd be able to open my home salon right away, but... この間友達に 来て貰った時は earlier, when I tried it out, ちょっと色々 準備不足だった なって… I realized I was unprepared in a lot of ways. Left Box だけど But now... Top Left Panel Upper Bubbles で… 支店長の話貰って 考えて みたんだけど、 So... I started thinking about taking that offer to be a store manager. 雇われで 支店長やって… I'd be working as a manager under someone else... Lower Bubble 経営スキル 身につけてから 独立って方法も あるのかなって… maybe once I learn how to manage things properly there'll be some way of going independent. Middle Panel Right Bubbles まあ、 自宅サロン やるとしても… And well, even if I do open a home salon, あくまでも 準備段階 っていうか at the end of the day it's just one step on the way. Center Bubble 実店舗構えるのが 最後目標な訳だし Since my final goal is to open my own real store. Left Bubble え… Huh...? Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble 実店舗… A real store... Left Bubble そっか… そうなんだね… Oh... I see. Bottom Left Panel Boxes 知らなかった I didn't realize それが玲奈ちゃんの 本当の夢なんだ that's Rena-chan's true dream. Page 45 Top Panel Right Boxes 玲奈ちゃんの 自宅サロンが オープンしたら And what about our shared dream that 一緒にいられる 時間が増えて それが Rena-chan would open a home salon so we could Left Box 私達の 夢 spend more time together? Bubble …大丈夫 うまくいくよ ... Don't worry. It'll go great. Middle Panel Right Bubbles 支店長でも 在宅サロンでも As a branch manager, or running a home salon, 玲奈ちゃんの 選んだ道を whichever path you choose, Box なんて It never was. Left Bubble 応援するよ 私 I'll support you. Text 思ってもないことを 口にするのは 「嘘「」になるのかな I'm saying something I don't believe. So I guess that makes this a lie. Bottom Panels Right Bubbles うん… ありがとうね Yeah... thanks. あ、コーヒー 入れよっか Oh, I'll put the coffee on. Center Bubbles …ううん いい ... No, it's fine. それより Instead... Left Bubble 由奈…? Yuna...? Page 46 Top Panel Bubbles …してなかった分… Let's make up したいな… for lost time. Middle Panel Text 体で釣ろうなんて 浅はかで 醜い I felt Chibi's eyes judging me, ちびの目は そう言ってる気がしたけど "Trying to tempt her with your body? How thoughtless, how ugly." Bottom Panels Bubbles そんなつもりないよ… But that's not why I'm doing this. ただ I just... Text 不安を消す方法が 他にわからない don't know any other way to ease my fear. END