いとこ同士 Cousins 北尾タキ (桜井家) Kitao Taki (Sakuraike) ---[ 1 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_021.png ]--- 叔母さーん ばーちゃーん ただいまー Aunt! Grandma! I'm here! だだだだだだ Run Run Run SFX)ドガゴッ Rattle みっ Mi- 都ちゃん…! Miyako-chan...! …ッ ...Oh! 海! Umi! 久しぶりぃぃぃぃ! So good to see you~! わ!? Wah! 幼馴染みでイトコの都ちゃんが 上京して一人暮らしをはじめたのであまり会えなくなった私は My childhood friend and cousin, Miyako-chan... She moved to the capital and lives there alone. I don't see her much at all. ---[ 2 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_022.png ]--- この間メールで告白した Recently, I confessed my feelings to her by e-mail. どき Ba-thump 返信には 「会ってから話そう」って書いてあった…だから今 Her reply: "We'll talk when we meet." And so, now... どき Badump お… おかえり都ちゃん W-... Welcome back, Miyako-chan. どき Ba-thump け…結局どうなの?とか S-So in the end, what is it? なんでそんな普通なの?とか And why are we acting normal? SFX)ぶわっ Owaah SFX)ぎゅ~~っ Hug どき Ba-thump 緊張だとか何かそんなで …死にそう I'm so nervous, at this rate... I might die! FLT)でも嬉しい Still I'm happy. どき Ba-thump ---[ 3 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_023.png ]--- あっ そういや 実家誰もいなかったんだけどこっちに来てる? By the way, I went by your house, but no one was there. Are they all here? SFX)ぱ Pat …えっと お母さん達お兄の式場で準備とかしてる Uhm... The whole gang went to prepare stuff at the place of my brother's ceremony. えっ Eh? 一人で留守番? あ 受験生だからか 勉強してたのかな So you're here alone? Ah, you must be taking time to study for your exams. それとも…さ Or were you... SFX)はっ Huh? 私を待っててくれたとか… Waiting for... me... SFX)びくっ Shock SFX)ぎゃははははー Gyahahaa SFX)どたどたどた Stamp Stamp たっくん その壷お爺ちゃんのだから だめぇぇ! Tak-kun, that vase is your grandfather's! Stop that at once!! ---[ 4 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_024.png ]--- FLT)かえせよ― Give it back! …あ…子守…? You were... baby sitting? SFX)わー Waaaaah うん Yeah... SFX)ガチャン Clang SFX)あはははは Ahahaha SFX)あああ Uwaah 5時位に戻るって They'll come back around 5 pm. …へぇ… Eeh... FLT)まってぇぇ Get back! でも それなら 他の大人とかはいないってことだよね? So there won't be any other adults around? う うん Y- Yeah. …海 あのね メール ありがとう ...Umi, you know... Thanks for your e-mail... 私…海に返事しなきゃって… I... knew I had to reply, but... SFX)どたどた Stamp Stamp 都だ! It's Miyako! なんでいるんだよ都―! Why are you here, Miyako? FLT)トーキョー だろー Weren't you in Tokyo? 遊べ!! Play with us!! …ちょっと待っててね… Hold on a second! SFX)くっ Grr FLT)人気あるよね You sure are popular. ---[ 5 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_025.png ]--- 都ちゃんは明るくて強くて 小さい頃からずっと憧れで Miyako-chan is cheerful and strong. Ever since I was little, she was my role model. SFX)むんっ Let's do this! FLT)次!次!! Me next! SFX)わー!! Wah! SFX)うりゃー Wa-hoo! SFX)ふはは Fuwaha FLT)ひとつえらべー!! Take one! 都ちゃんが全部の基準になっちゃって Wanting to be similar to Miyako-chan in every way... 私は… I... 梨太郎電鉄だから一時間は大丈夫! It's Momotetsu, they'll be busy for at least an hour! お…お―…お疲れ様? Ah, uh, good job. そんで 海は So, Umi... え Eh? SFX)ぐい Tug ---[ 6 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_026.png ]--- こっちに来て Come here. 都ちゃんしか見えなくなってしまった I always had my eyes on Miyako-chan. …うわ なつかしい~ Uwa... This brings back memories. でしょ? 親戚が集まってるなら布団出してると思ったのよね Right? When family was over, we got extra futons from here. そっか そうだよね I see, that's right. ---[ 7 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_027.png ]--- 小さい頃とかも葬式とか結婚式の時に遊んでたよね Or when there was a wedding or funeral, we played hide and seek... かくれんぼとかね― And would hide in here. そう! 普段は入れないから気が付かなくて That's right. You normally don't go in here, so it doesn't stand out. 布団みっちりだもんね There's not much room with the futons inside. …狭… ...It's cramped... ~から… 近い!! 都ちゃんに近い!! And so we're close!! So close to Miyako-chan!! でも二人で話しやすい…よね? But we can talk like this... Right? FLT)個室。 Secluded う…うん Y-Yeah. それでメールのことなんだけど So, about that e-mail you sent me... SFX)びくっ Shock あれってさ 海にキスしてもいいって事だよね? Does it mean that... You're okay with us kissing? ハイ? What!? だから! 私が What I'm saying is... ---[ 8 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_028.png ]--- 海にキスしたかったらしてもいいの? If I want to kiss you, Umi, can I? SFX)ゴクン Gulp …だめ ...You can't! ダメなの? I can't!? だってキスとか好きな人としかしちゃだめなんだよ? You shouldn't kiss someone you don't like. You know? …だったらいいんじゃないかな? ...That requirement is fulfilled. え Eh? 好きよ …海 I like you, Umi! SFX)ちゅっ♡ Kiss ♡ ---[ 9 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_029.png ]--- 本当に? Is she honest? SFX)すりすり Rub ぷにぷにしてるね 海 かわいい You're squishy, Umi. So cute! 首にもキスしていい? Can I kiss your neck too? ひゃ Hyaa! ちゅ Kiss あの Uhm... ちょっ Wait... っちゅ Kiss 冗談?わかんない Is she joking? I can't tell. 何して What... すりすり Rub …もっかい…って Doing it again...Gh わ Wah ぺろちゅ Lick 「もっかいして」?口に? Okay, I'll do it again. On your mouth? SFX)んー♡ Mmm ♡ ちがうもっかい言って! I didn't mean that! SFX)さらっ Rustle あ ごめん すきだよ? Ah, sorry. I do like you. そんなあっさり!? Why is it happening so fast!? ---[ 10 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_030.png ]--- …でも嬉しい都ちゃん大好き― I'm so happy though! I love you, Miyako-chan. でも? "Though"? SFX)ぎゅー!! Hug!! FLT)手が Your hand …私も早いとは思うんだけどさ I admit I'm being quick with this, but... え? Eh? もっと触りたい…っていうか …あの…海にいろんな事したくて 我慢したくないんだけど…いいかな I want to touch you more... and Uhm... I want to do all kinds of stuff with you. I don't want to hold back... Is that all right with you? …誰ともしたことはないけど ...I've never done this with anyone before. …うん ...Okay. えっ Eh? 都ちゃんはすぐ向こうに帰っちゃうし But Miyako-chan will leave again soon... ---[ 11 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_031.png ]--- わ Wah. ずっと好きだった都ちゃんが 私に欲情してくれるってすごいって思った I've always loved you, Miyako-chan. And I've always been amazed how you made me feel sexually. み…や Mi...ya... ん!…あ Ng! ...Ah! …ん― ...Ng. む 無理! やっぱりダメごめん I'm sorry, This isn't...! We can't do it! Sorry! FLT)※小声。 *Small voice SFX)イテテ Owww え Eh? SFX)ホールド Hold ゴス Thud …自分で触ったりとかもしたことない? ...Don't tell me you've never even touched yourself? ---[ 12 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_032.png ]--- は はひ Hah Hahha …あるけど こんなの声出さないのムリぃ~ I have... But you can't make me scream right now... あーそっか 子供ら隣にいるから声はね―… Oh, I see. The kids are close by, so a loud voice will... ※実は隣 *Rooms join でも海 私辞める気ないんだ… But Umi, I have no intention of giving up... FLT)あんまり会えないし!! We don't see each other much after all! FLT)ね! Right? じゃ…う…がんばる Then... I'll try my best. …うーんじゃあさ How about.... みみ都ちゃん恥ずかしい… Mi-Mi-Miyako-chan, this is embarrassing. ごめん 布団で声を殺せるかなって Sorry. I thought we could muffle your screams with the futon. SFX)わあん Waah ふにゅ Fondle …んっ ...Ngg わやわや♡ Wahaa ♡ …むぅ ...Mmm …ふ ...Ah …海 ...Umi. ---[ 13 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_033.png ]--- 自分でした時って私のこと考えて? When you masturbate, do you think of me? …ん ...Yes. あ Ah …私も…海はどんな感じなのかとか 声は…とか想像してた I think of you too... Like how it would feel with you. Imagining your voice, and such... 触るほうばっか…? あ…ッ Just touching...? Ahhn... くちゃ Shlick SFX)びくっ Twitch …海が好きだったんだもの ...Because I've always liked you, Umi. え…?あっ…や Eh...? Ahh... 諦めようと思って上京したけど I moved to Tokyo and thought I had to give up on it. SFX)ぐちゅ Shlick 都ちゃん…そ…へん Miyako-chan... That spot... にゅ Splosh 両想いなら我慢しなくていいよね? But since we feel the same way, there's no reason for me to bottle it all up, right? ぐに Splash あっ…あっ こすれ…強 Ahh, ah... If you do it... that strong... SFX)ずにゅる Splosh ひゃ?…あ Hah? ...Aahn. ぐりゅ Rub アあ Ahaa! に Gh! あ なか Ah, it's inside! あ あ ヘン やぁん Ah, Ah! I feel weird Waah! 入ったけどキツ… …動いてみるね… It's in, but it's tight. I'll try moving... は Hah やぁ…苦し…ぃ Gahh... This is hard... っ Gh う Hm SFX)は― Haah ん Hng ---[ 14 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_034.png ]--- 海と都どこいった? Where did Umi and Miyako go? あれー Huh? にゅ くちゃ Splosh Shlick SFX)ぐに (obscured) Squish 都ちゃんの指が…中に 中が Miyako-chan's finger... Inside me Making me... にゅ Shlick あっ Ah は Hah あ Ah ひ あ! Hng Ah! 海…なんか入れるの気持ちいい やばい Umi... Fingering feels good too. This is bad. あ Ah …っ ん― ....Hn Hnng 加減できない I can't control myself. SFX)くちゅ (obstructed) Squish ぐちゃぐちゃで…頭の中…ヘンで The shlicking is making me feel crazy... …これかくれんぼじゃね!? They wanna play hide and seek! そうだ! Let's go! ぐち Splosh …あっ う~…!! ...Ah! Uhh!! ぐりゅ Rub SFX)ぴたっ Pause …海 もしかして痛い? …大丈夫? ...Umi, does it hurt? ...Are you okay? …たくないから… No, it doesn't hurt... ---[ 15 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_035.png ]--- …動くのやめちゃ…いやぁ… So... Please don't stop... SFX)ぐっ→ Gulp FLT)ストライク。 Strike! …海 殺す気…? ...Umi, you'll give me a heart attack! は Hah は やく Come Quick ホントはちょっと 痛い… …のに It actually... Hurts a little... SFX)ふるふるふるふるふる Rumble Rumble どこだぁ~ Where are they?! SFX)ばたばたばたばた Thud Thud あ Ah ん Hng 音モレ。 Audible. ずちゅ Shlick にちゅ Shlosh ずっずっ Shlick やめたくない But I don't want it to stop. ぐちゃ Shlick あっ…へんっ Ah! I feel weird. ちゃ Slrp 海… 中が…指…しま… Umi... my finger... I can feel... SFX)ぎゅう…っ Twitch な に… あァ あ! What... Ah! ふ っう゛ Fhm Hmguh ---[ 16 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_036.png ]--- … っあ―… Ahh... (せーのっ) みつけたあ! One, two... We found you! SFX)ばん!! Woosh ---[ 17 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_037.png ]--- み… 見つかっちゃったぁ You... You found us! SFX)でれでれ Clothes on wrong SFX)ふいてる Trembling SFX)ぎりぎりセーフ。 Just in time! でねー! かくれんぼしたっ! And then! We played hide and seek. よかったわねー That sounds nice. 二人ともお疲れ様海は勉強できた? You two must have be tired. Did Umi finish her homework? すみません 私がつきあってもらっちゃって 今夜とか明日の夜とか考えますね Sorry, I took up all her time. But I'll help her tonight or tomorrow night. FLT)母の顔が見れない。 Can't look her mother in the eyes. あら せっかくの里帰りなのにいいの? Are you sure? You're finally here. もちろんです Of course. ---[ 18 / 18 | girls_love_paradise_038.png ]--- 海にはうちの大学に来てもらって 一緒に住んでもらえたら家賃が浮くなって思ってるんで! After all, Umi will be going to my university. If we can live together, the rent will be really low! SFX)さらっ Smooth FLT)えっ Eh? それいいわね!でも都ちゃんの大学イイトコじゃない 海 大丈夫なの? That sounds nice! But isn't your university pretty good? Will Umi be able to enter? SFX)にこにこ Smile SFX)えっ えっ Eh? Eh? …が…がんばります! I... I'll do my best! あらーそーぉ? (いーんじゃないのー) Oh, really? Then it's all right. じゃあここは人が多いから There's a lot of people here, so... ウチ行って勉強しよう そんで夜は違うコトしようね ね? Let's do homework at my place. And spend the night doing /other things/, okay? FLT)あれ?都ちゃんってすごくエッチなんじゃ? Wah? Is Miyako-chan a huge pervert? …ハーイ ...O-Okay. FLT)エロイ予感しかしない。 Mind filled with erotic things. FLT)次の日の The next day... FLT)…お兄の結婚式はものすごく眠かった ...During brother's wedding ceremony, they were really tired.