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File: 47805110_p0.png -(488745 B, 800x1129) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
488745 No.4805  

One-shot, 16 pages.

I have absolutely no goddamn idea what's going on in this one, which is why I hope someone with better grasp of Japanese picks this up.

Warning: Violence, some het, rape? Though it's tagged 'yuri'. I don't fucking know.


>> No.4806  

Oh yeah, the artist also did some omake pages, expanding on their relationship (I think?)


His pixiv accounts, both http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=1297578 and http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=10011790 also have some images with the same characters.

>> No.4808  

She shows her friend a video of herself getting raped, then disables her with a taser and expresses her intention to do the same to her. This isn't pornography, just very, very black comedy.

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