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File: h93.jpg -(374260 B, 1108x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
374260 No.3748  


16-page yuri story. The rest is unrelated het. I'm willing to typeset if a translation is provided.

>> No.3749  

I read it, but Mana (almost-blind glasses girl) is straight. Makoto rapes her when Mana finds out Makoto is a girl and she tries to leave. She forgives Makoto only because she was partly to blame for not even looking at her face properly. At the end she kisses Makoto and says 'let's forget it ever happened.'

>> No.3752  

Well that's... different.

I'd still be willing if anyone is willing to translate it.

>> No.3753  
File: The Girl in my Blurred Vision.txt -(12560 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sure, here it is.

>> No.3754  

Seems like a good translation, although the very last lines seem odd:

I―I thought you stopped doing that?
Whatever, I need it.
f 思い知ったわ
I realize that now.

Can you explain what's being said here?

Anyway, I should have this typeset sometime next week.

>> No.3755  

They're talking about squinting.
You could fill that in in the second line like this:
Whatever, I need it. =>
Whatever, I prefer clear sight over looking ugly.
('I prefer it' by itself doesn't make much sense.)

>> No.3757  
File: 088t.jpg -(697109 B, 1108x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

How's this look?

BTW I put "Procyon" as the translator on the first page, right? Do I put "@ Yuri Project" or something as well?

>> No.3758  

It's better to have a separate credits page. It can be simple like this:

>> No.3759  
File: 0088t.jpg -(784118 B, 1108x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I just looked over that page, but here's a few things.
-The black leveling is to low.
-There is a good bit of dust.
-The page needs to be straightened.
-The lines I marked need to be erased.
-You want to use different fonts for dialog and floating text.
-You should export the images and a png, not jpg.

The guide on the website has more detailed information.

>> No.3822  

What do you mean by straightened?

I'll address the other issues in a few days when I get back to typesetting it.

>> No.3823  

Straightening means rotating till straight: http://wiki.yuriproject.net/_media/rotating.png

>> No.3827  

When I make a perfectly straight line with the ruler tool (using shift) the image rotation thing just gives me an angle of 0, whereas if I make slightly or obviously imperfect lines it gives me 10.59 or whatever.

>> No.3828  

Yes, that's how it works. The page is rotated by the given value to make the not-horizontal line you drew horizontal.
Pick a line that's supposed to be perfectly horizontal (like a panel border) but isn't and run the ruler tool along it, then rotate and crop as needed.

Although in this case, just ignore it. The resolution is already low enough, there's no sense in losing more just to straighten the pages.

>> No.3829  

Also, any suggestions for cleaning dust? Or do I just copy the white color in the image and "paint" over the dust?

>> No.3830  


Just painting with [255, 255, 255] white (ideally on an empty layer above the background) works just fine.

>> No.3848  
File: 088.png -(621183 B, 1108x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

How's this? I don't really see any dust worth painting over, but I could try.

There's another story by this artist that you may be interested in translating in the future BTW: http://g.e-hentai.org/s/edfdb70ee2/161081-165

>> No.3849  
File: 088-ns-level-2.png -(302995 B, 1208x1700) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Create a leveling adjustment layer on top of the others and set its values to 235-1-255. That way you'll be able to spot the dust easily.

Also, missing punctuation, bubbles 2, 3, 5 and 6. If you use text boxes instead of point text, those might have been swallowed up (+ sign in the corner of the text box) - be wary of this or use point text.

"What's up?" Make it a bit smaller, you generally want a bit of white space between the bubble border and the text or it'll look cramped.

>> No.3850  

By missing punctuation, do you mean it's missing periods?

I'll resize the "What's up?" since it is too big. I'll remove the dust as well.

>> No.3851  

Yes, I do.

>> No.3853  



Yeah, sure. Just make a new thread when you're ready.

>> No.3854  
File: 088a.png -(614458 B, 1108x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.3864  

i look forward to this being translated

>> No.3879  

Bump, just want to know if I'm good to continue to typeset the rest of the images.

>> No.3891  



Why do you need permission no one else is doing a damn thing

>> No.3939  

I think it should be good.

>> No.4776  

Finally did it: http://exhentai.org/g/839141/904e750a80/

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