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File: [toumei tsuushin (Hanapin)] Noppai to Issho pg 25.png -(278794 B, 810x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
278794 No.3254  

this is an omake from [toumei tsuushin (Hanapin)] Noppai to Issho. it was recently translated, but scanner left these two untranslated as it didnt want to work on it. I was wondering if it isnt too much of a bother for someone to translate these two pages if possible?

>> No.3255  
File: [toumei tsuushin (Hanapin)] Noppai to Issho pg 26.png -(318505 B, 810x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


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