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File: 452140.jpg -(48020 B, 275x390) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
48020 No.2243  

Tooru x Run doujinshi. 25 pages (sort of).

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?hzaf3bzvzbk0fvr

This book contains three short stories. I also got another book, which only contained the last story of this book, with an extra page. I added everything that wasn't in the first book to the .zip alongside the contents of that book.

>> No.2309  

Oh wow, A-Channel yuri!

A-Channel was made for yuri, but 99% of the doujins for it are het mass rape.

What a treat.

>> No.2681  
File: achannely.txt -(10685 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's a translation attempt. Really at a loss as to how to translate the title but I gave it a shot. Let me know if you'd like me to translate the long authors' messages pages at the end (21 and 02) that I neglected, though I don't think they're saying much of interest radically different from the gist of the message on page 4.

>> No.5121  

Hmm, I could give it a shot at editing this all together! Since it's been awhile since the comments have taken place, I hope I get feedback afterwards.

>> No.5123  

>>5121 sure thing :)

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