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File: よりみち.png -(725116 B, 1373x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
725116 No.1189  

TL Raw: http://www.mediafire.com/?bx2beerdqxof6jf
ED Raw: http://www.mediafire.com/?ckdrn379cnr4cb2

RAW provider: Anon from /u/

>> No.1204  

Sign up as editor

>> No.1291  

Translating this now, a little more than halfway done

>> No.1292  

Might not be able to finish for a while though so if someone else really wants to try feel free!

>> No.1295  
File: よりみち.txt -(13459 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I was mistaken, here it is

>> No.1301  

Ah, by mistaken I mean I actually did finish! The whole is there, finished.. Realized I might not have been clear about that, sorry!

>> No.2708  

no one is editing this? I would like to, but not immediately. Under my "Plan To Do" list. So, if anyone wanna immediately do this, be my guest...

>> No.2725  
File: 001.png -(958467 B, 1367x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't know if this project has been done or not, but I'm bored to death, so what the heck. Here's my attempt.

>> No.2727  

Holy crap. I don't think I wanna do this project. I'm wayy outta my league. And anyways, I think this project has already been done, since it's already been a year.

>> No.2728  

No, it's not done. And yes, it's a really tricky one. If you want to do something easier, how about >>1184

>> No.2730  
File: 003.png -(570596 B, 1381x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well, I can do this, but it'll take some time, and I'll probably leave most of the SFX's alone ( ones that require a lot of restamping and stuff ), or maybe write the translation of the SFX's neatly on the side or something.

>If you want to do something easier, how about >>1184

Looks enticing, but someone is already working on it, right? I say, let him/her do it.

And also there's an issue with the translation. Like this, in panel 2, the floating texts in the square bubbles. From what I understand, Anonymous didn't split the translation into 2, so I get one whole sentence. Not really sure where it splits, so I just guessed. Not sure if you can still understand me at this point. Just look at the translation and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.2732  

No, it's abandoned. I was going to finish it up but I really don't have the time.

If you'd rather do this, that's fine too. Feel free to ignore or del-ray SFX you don't feel like redrawing. And the translation really needs proofreading, so it doesn't matter all that much how you typeset it.

>> No.2733  

well... It's been a while but I could try doing this after my exams are over. Only a probability cause I have a new pc and I have to download a lot of stuff I need for typesetting. I also have to brush up on editing and so on... But, if anyone else is up to it go ahead! :3

>> No.2734  

No, please do! I'm way to inexperienced for this particular one. Just thought of doing it, since no one is. You wanna take over, be my guest. Mine just gonna turn out messy anyways. LOL.

>> No.3150  

Translation bump?

>> No.3690  

I'm going to edit this. Should I use TL Raw or ED Raw? TL Raw seems cleaner but I just want to double check.

>> No.3691  

TL raws are for translation, and of lower quality.
ED raws are for editing, and the ones you use.

>> No.4305  

Dang, so much difficult-to-redraw text everywhere...

Anyway, if Rashu isn't around anymore, I'll take this on. It's been lying around for long enough. Deadline 26th of October.

>> No.4429  


kill me


god damn sfx-heavy sunuva bitch

  • Translation needs an overhaul, but I'm sure you'll notice. Sounding pretty awkward at some places.
  • I wonder if "Kuroba" is supposed to be "Clover"? (Because of the four leaf clovers in the title box in the first page) Or it's the other way around, that they drew the clovers 'cause their name sounds like that...
  • Two missing bubbles, on pages 11 and 12.
  • There are a few more SFX I plan to redraw, but I'll take care of it during the QC. Mainly just wanted to show that I'm done with the chapter.

Gonna focus on my App Girl chapter now o/

>> No.4443  
File: よりみちupdate.txt -(13465 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Hi! Original translator here (surprisingly, this was a super long time ago). It's cool to see this one's finally been worked on.. I've updated some parts of the translation in the word file attached if it helps; I only looked through cursorily but some parts really did need fixing (most glaring for me was the mistranslation of a line on the last page). Let me know if you see any other parts that could be updated and I'll try to and I guess.. check back again... less than 2 years from now?

>> No.4444  

I wrote down which lines have changed, that should be easier for the editor.
I'll do TLC soon as well, so you may want to wait for that, Horn.

page 2
It almost seems too unchaste
She’s too unprincipled

and with clothes like that, separately...
and like that, with the clothes...

page 3
I'll pick some up on the home tomorrow and-
I'll pick some up on the way home tomorrow and-

page 5
Maybe I should be honestly apologize
Maybe I should apologize honestly

It's a boring disposition...
It's a boring stubbornness

page 6
Riho's 2-year-older sister. Her pastime is rummaging girls (in the sexual sense)
Riho's 2-year-older sister. Her pastime is rummaging for girls (in the sexual sense)

page 7
You like croquette, right Riho?
You like croquettes, right Riho?

page 20
So with that feeling, doing perverted things is bad
So with that feeling, I wonder if doing perverted things is bad?

>> No.4447  

Lol. Thank you very much for the response and corrections. Is "Anonymous" all right or do you want me to credit you under some other name?

>So with that feeling, doing perverted things is bad
>So with that feeling, I wonder if doing perverted things is bad?

I DID think that this line sounded pretty out of place considering the context, haha.

I'll be on standby. o/

>> No.4449  

Page 2
Panel 1 (4 bubbles)
How can she suddenly call that her favorite shirt?!
And all she does is date girls.
'Sides she's indifferent about everything,
but a piece of clothing is suddenly super important?!

Page 3
What a terrible feeling =>
Still angry...

Page 4
Well, always bathing indecently together =>
Well, always bathing together

Here, / In the bath... =>
Just get / back in!

Sneezing here / is particularly noisy =>
Hearing you sneeze over there / is getting annoying.

Maybe I should apologize honestly =>
Really, I should just apologize.

It's a boring stubbornness =>
But I won't ever give in.

Page 7
She's stupid. =>
She's slow.

She always staggers home =>
She always gets distracted when we walk home.

Child-faced =>
She's child-faced,

She has big eyes =>
with big round eyes.

and lots of friends =>
And has lots of friends.

I made you one! =>
You can have one of mine!

Page 8
dressing gown -> bathrobe

missing SFX: panel 4 がちゃ - Rattle

You're the one who polluted them, Riho =>
And /you're/ the one who spilled her drink over my clothes earlier, Riho!

Page 9
missing small text (inside third bubble) 2つ上じゃん - You're two years older than me.

When you drink milk you go right to sleep? =>
Why don't you drink some milk and go right to bed? (so you won't need to change clothes)

Page 11
empty bubble: いないよ - I'm not.

I mean, we've always gone to the same girls' school =>
I mean, both of us have only ever gone to girls' schools, so how can I?

Because / girls do it together =>
That's doesn't / stop you doing it with other girls.

Page 12
empty bubble: お姉ちゃ… -> Onee-cha...

Page 13
If you want to make me apologize, just say so =>
If you want to make me apologize and make up, just say so

I only do this with people very dear to me =>
Isn't this going far for something you should only do with someone dear to you?

Page 14
…Well, / It is a little cold… =>
...Say / I'm getting kinda cold...

(The sister says sorry because Riho can't get into bed with the sister sitting on it)

No, it's not the futon =>
No, I don't mean the bed...

I understand =>
Fine already.

I'll put on some clothes =>
Put your clothes on.

Page 15
Don't be shy! =>
It's nothing to get shy over!

Page 16
You're quiet, is it all right? =>
Can't have you being all quiet.

Page 20
Are you disappointed that Onee-chan took your first? =>
Are you disappointed your playgirl Onee-chan took your first?

I don't understand things like lovers, but =>
I'm not sure if I've ever had romantic feelings, but

I think girls being together is good =>
I do like doing it with other girls.

So, =>
So, with that

>> No.4451  

Updated version.

>> No.4467  

>>4451 can you please upload it to mediafire I don't understand zippishare so I can check it ^^; plus a random girl pops out on the bottom who wants to chat with me, its convincing me, and then I might get a big virus, thank you

>> No.4469  

Here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/download/j9jaseqsljbbhdv/Stopping_By_on_the_Way_in_QC.zip

>> No.4470  
File: Skärmklipp 2014-11-18 18.07.34.png -(13019 B, 261x83) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>4467 Thanks for having a look. ^^ It's been a little quiet around these boards as of late...

I understand your concern; those sharing sites can be a minefield sometimes, haha. For any future reference, it's simply this button, to the right of the filename.

>> No.4481  

>>4469>>4470 Thank you very much apologizes it took me a while I'll have it a check as soon as I get a chance yes it's been here for some while.

>> No.4498  

This is already done, sorry I couldn't look at it, I was busy with citrus. Forgive me. Hope I look into more projects you do in the future.

>> No.4500  

's all right, I appreciate the thought. :)

Though I had a new credits page worked out that I was planning on using once I got a QC-er to add to it... I pulled the current credits page joke out of my ass, and realized in hindsight that it sucked pretty bad. >_> But, people at Dynasty Scans seem to enjoy it, so all righty, I suppose.

>> No.4501  

>>4500 Im glad they appreciated it ^^;

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