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File: Heaven is here, my love.jpg -(482792 B, 575x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
482792 No.2044  


This is the raw for Morinaga Milk's Madoka doujin, along with a text translation. Sadly the scans are pretty bad, but I thought I should drop it off here anyway.

>> No.2045  

I love her mangas XD

>> No.2609  
File: 05.png -(42056 B, 453x700) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I tried editing this with your provided translation (thank you though), but something's not right. Is the page small or something coz the onlt font size I was able to use is 1 (or 1 pt)...2 turns out very big...

"It's hot....", "It's really summer..." is font size 2 pt...
The rest i used 1 pt.
Is there a way to fit bigger fonts into the manga? (sorry, a newbie. teach me what you know, please.) Any advice is appreciated.

>> No.2610  

Point values are calculated by the DPI value saved in the file and this has 600, which is laughable at such a low resolution. Image->Image Size. Set Resolution to 72. PS will auto-adjust the width/height values, don't let it do that. Re-enter the old values.

Alternatively, set Photoshop to use pixels instead of points, "Units & Rulers" in the settings.

Also remember that you can use decimal values for font sizes.

>> No.2690  

If anyone is interested in taking this project as the editor, feel free...I don't think I'll be starting on this anytime soon...got a lot on my plate right now...

>> No.2691  


Someone edited it already, I don't think such bad raws are worth the effort.

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